chapter 1

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With heavy heart and fake smile I Zai Khan a 18 year old not so beautiful yet pretty girl is entering my dental college
Yes you heard that wright ITs A Dental College.With 2 years of hard work and 2 years of drop I finally ended up with this degree ...

Begin a dentist was my nightmare I mean that's the point of this degree when someone ask you are u a doctor and u have to think before answer that may be I should say doctor or dentist 🦷🦷🦷🦷.Well after corona I decided (my family decided for me but they make this decision such a way that I think it's my decision and I am independent to take my own decision)  I should not take any more drops .So here I am pretending to be happy.

I really don't understand why everyone is so happy around me.All of them are laughing..
Many groups are already made
Now I have to make new friends and pretend to be a cool kid ..

I just hate meeting new people. especially those cool kids.everyonei is  juggling you .. every eye 👀 has a new question for u .....

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