chapter 2

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I am the middle child of a conservative but trying be a modern elder Sister is a cardiologist and younger brother who is twin brother just cracked IIT
Coming from a family of doctor and engineers it was not reason why I was desperate for MBBS.
When I was 7 my dad had a major car  accident it took 3 hours to cut the gate and rescue my father .No one was saying that he would survive ,he had major injuries and also want to COMA. My mother was getting fainted many times and she is behaving like crazy . Everyone was crying and praying for my dad's health .......
And then enters Dr.Abhiraj Maheshwari senior neurosurgeon at AIIMS D he was in his mid 30s tall healthy his face was really serious and confident..He came to my mother and said don't worry we will safe him......
His voice was so serious yet after listening him suddenly my mother stop crying and came back to her senses.He went to the OT with his team mates.
After the ot door closed their was a pin drop silence in the lobby.......The operation lasted for 8 hours ..and I was sitting in the lobby hope hopeless clueless just praying to God and waiting for the Doctor.... I was feeling so clueless I wanted to go to the ot and help my father but can't do anything..That day I decided that I will take charge of everything thing I will the one who will help their family members wherever needed I will Save my family and for that reason I Have To Be A Doctor.

After 8 hours doctor came and said patient is out of danger..we will recover soon
Literally I saw a Superhero is white apron......
He was my superhero my ideal 

Cut to the day I saw my Neet result and realise that I can't get mbbs seat my

just an another story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora