Chapter 3: The Eventful Trip to the Zoo

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Chapter Summary: It's Dudley's birthday and the Dursleys are going to the zoo...


June 23rd, 2009

Almost ten years have passed since the nightmare at Godric's Hollow, the night Sah Brockner's parents were killed, and they were left in the 'care' of Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

They lied on their bed in what looked like a linen closet, which was, in fact, the cupboard under the staircase. They sighed and looked over at the door, listening out for Petunia's footsteps and the inevitable bang of her fist rapping the wood.

Soon, the rhythmic pounding began. "Up! Get up!" She barked before slapping the door and walking away. "Now!"

Sah sighed, hauling themsef into a sitting position on the edge of their makeshift 'bed', which happened to be a paper-thin mattress topped with old, moth-bitten blankets and rags for bedsheets. They heard their aunt enter the kitchen and place a frying pan on the stove.

Suddenly, though not surprisingly, a thumping came through the 'ceiling' of Sah's cupboard, followed by a shower of dust "Wake up, Brockner!" Sah's cousin Dudley shouted from above. "I want my birthday breakfast!"

Sah grouned. They had forgetten it was Dudley's birthday. However, their low spirits were lifted slightly when they remembered that at least they would be free of the Dursleys for a few hours of the day while they took Dudley and his friend to the zoo. It did mean that Sah had to go over to Mrs Figg's and listen to her talk about her cats all day, and trying to ignore the abhorrent smell of cabbage, but anything was better than spending the day with the Dursleys.

Dudley had seemed to run back upstairs to get ready for breakfast, so Sah took the oppotunity to shake the dust from their hair and reache for the door. After checking the coast was clear (as usually Dudley would come sprinting downstairs and shove Sah back into their makeshift bedroom as he went past), they made their way down the hallway and into the kitchen.

The dining table was piled high with presents. There was just enough room for the Dursley's to comfortably sit and eat their breakfast. It looked like Dudley had gotten everything he wanted and more for his birthday, just like every other year.

Aunt Petunia hiffed when Sah entered the kitchen, dressed in their unwashed, oversized rags, "Took you long enough." She cast a dark glance their way, "Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything."

"Yes, Aunt Petunia." Sah shrank under her piercing gaze, and quickly set to work as Petunia left the kitchen.

About a minute later, the large man with no neck - known as Vernon Dursley - walked into the kitchen and gruffed his usual morning greeting to Sah, "Comb that hair."

Sah ignored this comment and concentrated on cooking the breakfast so that they wouldn't get in trouble before the day even started. They worked in the kitchen in silence whilst their uncle read the newspaper he had picked up from the doorstep earlier that morning.

As the breakfast feast was near completion, Petunia walked into the kitchen closely followed by Dudley. "Here he is, the birthday boy!" She smiled brightly.

"Happy birthday, son." Vernon smiled behind his bushy moustache at Dudley.

"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day." Petunia continued.

Vernon slammed a fist on the table. "Hurry up!" He barked. "Bring my coffee, child!"

"Yes, uncle Vernon." Sah replied as they hurried over with the mug of coffee.

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