i love you angel

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it's been a week since i found out I lost my baby

it's hard

i only knew i was pregnant for four days but i still feel as if i have lost someone i have known for years

i know Dominico is taking it badly as well

part of me is happy i hadn't told him about the baby yet

i think we both would have been struggling more

he would of had more time to imagine our lives with a baby

and for me it would have all seemed more real

but like Dom said, we'll have more chances

plus we haven't been together for that long

I think this was the universes way of saying we weren't ready and it wasn't meant to be

About a week before, me and Dominico had already decided that he would be moving into my apartment so since i've been back from the hospital he's been living here with me

He's been amazing, always making sure i don't lift a finger, always making sure he's there when i need him and holding me while i break down

"Baby?" i'm cut out of my thoughts

i look up at dom "yeah?"

"are you ready"

i nod and stand up as he helps me and puts his arm around my waist as we walk to my car

we've both decided it would be good to get out of the house since we've been in our own little bubble

so we're going to the tattoo shop to see our friends and not put too much pressure on ourselves

usually i would dress up at any opportunity given but recently i've been living in loungewear, so has Dom, so we decided to just be comfy today and try to not worry about anything unnecessary like how we look

but obviously he still looks sexy as fuck

*eyeroll* this man

*eyeroll* this man

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