fuck off

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we all got back from greece yesterday and jesus christ Dom will not leave me alone

i understand how cunty that sounds

and i know there's a fair few people who would want their 6'6 muscly hot as hell boyfriend/baby daddy around them all the time

but when he acts like im leaving to go and see my secret family when im just going to put my phone on charge... it gets a bit much

we're both laying on the couch watching true crime because its the best

i mean i can't watch a movie about a clown in a fucking drain but i can watch a documentary about a girl who got decapitated in the Starbucks 10 minutes away from me.. which i don't understand but eh what can you do

i lift my blanket up to get it over my legs more and dom whips his head to me

"are you.. okay" i side eye him

he hums and slowly turns his head back to the tv

like do you see what i mean

after another 20 minutes i decide to go to the kitchen to get some cucumber water

i sit up and start to walk to the kitchen

"where are you going!" dom snaps

"to hydrate" i give him a fake smile and turn back around


"no?" i turn to face him again

"i'll get it for you just stay there" he points to my seat on the couch

i take a deep breath so i don't tell this man to go fuck himself and leave me alone

... that wouldn't end well

so instead i just grab my phone and walk out of the apartment in my pjs and fluffy socks to go vent to stella

i walk in stella's apartment where i assume she's alone

"i know im pregnant but i swear to fuck i'm going to shoot myself if dom doesn't back off! i'm physically capable of washing my hands without falling over and killing the baby which by the way IS THE SIZE OF A GRAIN OF FUCKING SAND!  and everytime i go to the bathroom im not leaving you in a cardboard box with our 7 kids who all have AIDS so just leave me alone you fucking BFG fucking ho-"

i look up and see Stella, Layla, some random man and a dog staring back at me

my eyes widen

"aura this is Laylas cousin James and this is pepper the Pomeranian who i'm dog sitting" stella introduces

"hello, hello" i nod to james and the dog awkwardly because now layla and this rando man both know im pregnant and saw me ranting about my boyfriend who is laylas boss

.. great

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" layla yells

"uuum... it seems that way" i nod slightly

she runs over and hugs me tightly "please don't tell anyone no one else is supposed to know yet"

"of course! of course... i mean james knows and pepper but i wont tell anyone else about it i promise" she says excitedly

"thank you" i smile

"i take it doms still not letting you stand up without his help" Stella says

"it's gotten worse i mean i love him and i know he's just scared because of last time but i needed a minute... oh god he's probably filed a missing persons report all ready i need to go but it was nice meeting you james and you dog"

"you too" james says before i leave

"bye girl" layla says

"bye bye" i say to everyone

i take a deep breath before walking in

i'm immediately brought in a warm body "oh my god where were you? are you okay? is the baby okay? why did you leave? do you need anything?"

i sigh "sit down dom"

he does as i say while i stand infront of him so im a similar height to him

"i love you more then anything in the world and i know im pregnant and what happened when i was last pregnant was scary and sad and we're both frightened about something happening this time aswell but i need you to please just give me some room to breathe" i say slowly

he sighs and puts his head down, his forehead on my stomach as i run my hands through his buzz cut

"i know im sorry i just- i wasn't there last time and you were shot i just really need you to both be okay"

i lift his head up and kiss him

"i know and your obviously going to want to make sure im okay more then usual for the next 9 months but right now nothing is happening and we're both good i just don't like feeling smothered its going to make me say mean things to you out of anger and then we'll argue and then one of us is going to end up leaving and i don't want to become my mom" i whisper the last part

"baby your not going to become your mom, your a completely different person and i know your going to be the best mama okay?"

i sigh and not "im just a little bit scared" i whisper

"i know me too angel but we're going to be okay because we'll be doing it together"

i nod and kiss him

"i need to tell you something" i sigh


"layla, her cousin james and pepper the pomeranian know im pregnant"

he furrows his eyebrows with a confused expression


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