The Fateing

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                               Chapter 1
Lefreya's handmaid adorns her with the finishing touch of the Lēoht traditional attire, the head dress of Lucentia. Passed down from generation to generation. She peers at herself for what feels like eons. The emerald in her head dress shines so brightly in contrast to the dark obsidian that holds the masterpiece together. She begins to think of her mother wondering if this right here is how she felt on the day of her fateing. A pang in her chest the size of the black holes Eastward of the wall threatens to buckle her to her knees. "Mother." She silently wails. "You look so much like her you know." Roth the handmaid sincerely states as she binds Lefreya's vine bralette together. Lafreya drops her eyes from the intricately gold laiden mirror. "That is very kind of you Roth. I was just thinking about her, what she might say if she were here today." Lafreya  rubs the back of her neck uncomfortably as she speaks. Roth sways from behind her to stand at her side, her beautiful green gown dancing from the movement. "My Queen, I do not know what she would say but if I may, I know what I will say." With two fingers Roth lifts The Queens chin high and forces her to look upon herself once more. " The spirit of your mother lives within you, as well as the spirit of the God that blesses you. Wear your humility with confidence as you embark on this journey of womanhood." She smiles as she finishes her words of wisdom off with the puff of her enchanted pipe, a gift the Queen had long ago blessed her with. Purple smoke pours from the corners of her lips as she hands the pipe to Lafreya. "Really look at yourself Freya. What an exciting day to be you!" Roth's red hair catches ablaze from excitement and she curls a wicked smile. "How can I be excited Rothie when the thorns in my bra keep stabbing the life out of me!" The Queen tugs at her chest as the words fall from her lips. Lafreya lifts her right hand and in one fluid motion telekinetically untangles the vines from her chest. The thin, branches glide down the length of both of her arms and down the right side of her leg. Once the vines find their new resting place she admires her work with a smile. Roth interjects " I like that better but-uh." Roth's eyes dart from Lafreya's bare chest to the ceiling of the tent. "You aren't going like that are you?" She giggles. "Relax Rothie, I wouldn't dream of stealing your thunder." The Queen grins lightly. "A little help?" Lafreya gestures to her silhouette. "'tis my job your majesty." Roth sashays to the Queen after a dramatic curtsy. "Hit that, that's an order." Roth points to the pipe in Lafreya's hand as she lights the bowl with her finger. The Queen begrudgingly draws a breath from the pipe. "Very good." Roth gingerly takes the instrument and sets it down on the mahogany table next to her. "Think mature dryad, spirit Queen, meets sexy night out of the trees." The Queen gestures a hypothetical banner with her hands as she paints the picture. "Say no more." Roth's eyes glisten with inspiration. The two women raise their hands and prepare to create something beautiful. Lefraya looks intently in the mirror focusing on what she wants. She releases a breath and a large emerald leaf begins sprouting from the back of her neck to create a beautiful Queenly collar, more emerald leafs start sprouting in-between Lafreya's shoulder blades and wrap around on both sides, under her arms and onto her chest. The tips of the gleaming leafs grow upward towards her strong shoulders. Sprouting from the small of her back is another intricately grown leaf that wraps around her upper thighs and laces itself in-between her legs. The veins in the leafs merge into an elaborately woven pattern. Lefraya gasps in approval. "Roth that embroidery is marvelous!". Roth gleams. "What for shoes?" Roth questions. "I'm thinking a nice wooden thigh boot, maybe a matching corset?" Lafreya gestures towards the vines wrapped around her thigh as she speaks. Roth quickly designs the boots and adds a touch of moss upon them. The final touches are added to the wooden corset and Lafreya admires the entire picture laid out before her. "What a sight." she thinks as she collects all of her courage to walk out onto the tournament field. "One last touch." Roth announces as she reaches for a golden box placed on the mahogany table, at her side. A warmth spreads throughout Roth's body as she picks the box up. "your mother's necklace." She breathes as the box is opened to reveal a thick, short necklace with a stone of jade, twined together with dark copper. Lefraya turns to let Roth clasp the beautiful heirloom. " Now you're ready. Take heart friend and know that this journey you are about to embark on will be glorious."
Lefreya brushes the tent open and stares out at the giant arena adorned with many riled fans and loyal subjects. "This is it." She thinks as she gestures for Roth to follow her out. The dry, dirt of the arena floor crunches beneath her feet, before her are three warriors, one of whom meant to best her in battle to win her hand in marriage. In the very center of the ring there sits a bow and arrow on a wooden table. She has trained forever for this very moment before she knows it, her hands firmly grasp the beautiful weapon and she looks at Roth to light the flame. "Say something to your people, my Queen." Roth encourages as she looks out into the crowd. Lafreya nods and raises her arms to hush the roaring crowd. " My people, it is now my turn to stand here in front of you as many of my ancestors before me have, to meet my fate. I am honored to share this gloriously intimate moment with you. May we drink, be marry, and fight till the last!" Lafreya finishes with a fist pump into the air, bow in hand. Her audience goes wild with pride, stamping their feet and yipping. Lefreya aims her bow at the wooden ring on the top of the arena. Roth ejects fire from her finger tips, she sways her hands back and forth to form a chaotic ball of flame. The light dances on her face for a moment before she throws it into the air. With a low grunt Lafreya sends the arrow flying into the flame, igniting the wooden ring upon impact. The arena becomes engulfed in brilliant light as the conflagration runs down the steps of the arena and into the ring, encapsulating the warriors. Lefraya's heartbeat is heard in her ears above the drunken yipping of the crowd. In fact her heartbeat is all she can hear, an incessant tapping getting faster and more profound. For a moment she fears as though she may collapse to the unforgiving dirt beneath her. The warriors begin to trudge forward, towards the center of the ring. Lefraya jolts at the sensation of a warm hand on her back, guiding her forward as well. It appears as though Roth is trying to tell her something that she cannot hear. The tapping in her ears is replaced with high pitched ringing. "I can't hear you. I can't breathe. Roth I can't-". She weakly breathes as she clutches her chest. Roth supports the weight of Lefraya's body as they float forward. " Lefraya." She hears Roth's voice calling to her, and suddenly that is all she can hear. " Lefraya, it's Rothie. You need to breathe. You can't fight in this condition. Pay attention to my voice and your breath, that is all." Suddenly she realizes that Roth's mouth hasn't been moving at all. "But how?" She thinks. " We've tuned into the same frequency, this isn't important now Freya. Pay attention to your breath. In, and out. In, and out. Good job." Roth pulls Freya in closer and pats her back to comfort her. They make it to the table in the center of the arena at the same time as the other warriors. An opponent catches her eye and all of the anxiety pours from her body. A tall, dark haired man with a generously wide frame and stunning golden armor smiles at her. Their eyes meet and for a moment everything stops. His oceanic eyes holding her violet ones in place, she fears as though she may never be able to look away, perhaps that she may never want to. What is this feeling, one of lust, one of fear? Warmth travels across the length of her body and she cannot bear the sensation any longer. A small moan escapes from her lips as she rips herself from his enchanting gaze. Heat rises in Lafreya's face and she fears her skin tone may reflect that. Out of breath and tingling within Lefraya looks upon the other warriors. A towering man in mat black armor from head to toe bows to her and grunts in approval. The next warrior's attire blinds her in the sun. It reflects so painfully in the light. He nods in acknowledgement and proceeds to stand stiffly at attention. After acknowledging each opponent she ever so delicately places her lighting bow onto the table that separates her from the warriors. A great crackling sound breaks the silence that the Queen suddenly notices. The ground begins to quiver beneath their feet as the table is sunken into the dirt. Moments later four new weapons emerge from the hollow ground below. "Freya, this is where I must take my leave. Good luck, I have so much faith in your warrior heart." Roth squeezes Lefreya's shoulder before gracefully bidding her leave. The Queen takes a step closer to the blue, glowing weapons floating in the air, above the weapons are glowing numbers in accordance to each weapon. She takes a deep breath as she witnesses the smell of magic in the air. A four sided triangular die is produced from a glowing orb and falls to the ground. It is tradition that the Queen rolls first for her weapon. The warrior in black armor crouches down and grasps the die in his meaty hands. For a moment Lefraya believes she hears him whisper something to her, but she cannot make it out. He then outreaches his arm out and plops it into the Queens frail hands. Her body jolts as the die burns her hand upon impact, she grasps it tighter leaning into the pain. Realization hits her as she remembers that she is to kill two of these men. A great pang hits her heart as she prepares to throw the die. She decides to say a few words privately to the men. "It is with great sadness in my heart that I go into this with the knowledge that two of you will not make it home today. Traditionally each warrior must fight to the death, however, I do not wish to kill you, therefore, if you desire to forfeit at any point, you may. Good luck to you all, may Gaia be with us." She lowers her head out of respect for her opponents. With that Lefraya shakes the die in her hand and rolls it onto the hard ground. The die stops after taunting her with each unbearable roll, and a holographic number is produced high into the air for everyone to see. The number three blinds her eyes and makes her heart skip with anticipation for a moment. A stinging sensation fills her right forearm as the number is branded onto her. She must not touch the die again so she leaves it where it lies and turns to the weapons to discover what she will be fighting with. Lefraya scans the numbers atop the weapons until her eyes fall upon the number three. To her excitement it is a weapon she is all too familiar with, an urumi, a golden whip with three daggers laced at the end. Her shaking fingers wrap around the leather handle and she brings it to her side. The Queen steps away from the weapons and chooses the man in the golden armor to go next. Whatever number is produced is the numerical order they must fight her in. He elegantly marches to the resting place of the die and picks it up. His sharp jaw flexes as he prepares to roll. With one last glance in the Queens direction he throws the small piece of plastic onto the ground. The number one bursts forth into the light and he steps to the weapon that is first in line. A great and powerful battle axe adorned in blue flame. The crowd cheers inconsolably. The previous roller must choose the next opponent to find their fate. He chooses the warrior in black armor, to which he rolls a four and is blessed with a heavy beautiful longsword. The last opponent in silver armor valiantly takes up the final weapon, number two, a silver morning star. The crowd begins to stomp their feet once more as the combat horns sound. The vibrations shake at her feet almost in unison with her shaking hands.  The last two warriors trudge to the outer edge of the arena, armor clanking  in harmony with the battle cry sounds of the Lucentian people.
    Lefraya crouches low to the ground and to the right. The feral feeling of combat upon her. She snarls, prepared for anything. Wind rushes passed her opponents mid length black hair and a musk that sends ripples of pleasure to her core enters her nose. The wind pushes her long, green hair behind her shoulders as chill bumps form behind her neck. Another moan brushes past her lips and the warrior dauntingly smirks. He takes one step towards her and she lunges at him full force, low and premeditated. She swiftly forces him to the ground and dust flies into the air. Her strong thighs straddle his hips as she grabs the end of her urumi and holds one of the blades to his neck. She hesitates "forfeit." She demands staring deep into his eyes as his warm hands slide up her thighs and strangle her slender waist. Her breath catches in her throat and desire fills her belly. Lefraya has never been touched in this way. The man chuckles and In one fluid motion pushes her to the dirt on her back. He disarms her and throws the whip beside her head. His body pressing so close to hers that she feels embarrassed and elated at the same time. He holds her hands above her head with one arm as he smiles from the side of his perfectly formed mouth. Lefraya finds herself staring at that smirk for a moment too long. He brings his mouth to her ear and whispers. "My Queen you're pink with pleasure." He breathes. Her face gets warm and the fire in her belly burns even hotter than before. "I won't be bested by my first opponent." She huffs. "Then unkathrov." He growls from deep within. His warm breath caresses her face. He pushes himself onto his feet while grasping her waist in his arms, she fights to be free and he sets her on her tiny feet. Lafreya's weapon has disappeared upon the declaration of unkathrov. "I've trained for this my whole life. You will not steal this glory from me!" Her eyes radiate with distain. He presses closer to her. "I will do what I must to ensure you are mine. You do not wish to be defeated  by your first opponent, fine I will fight for you." His eyes look down at her lips, and for a moment he wishes to kiss her. Lefreya's body gets warm, she feels her face flush and her mouth moisten. She licks her lips and stares at his. "I-" what was she going to say again? She can't remember, her body aches with longing to be closer to him. " Things are getting heated in the ring tonight! I could just eat them up! Ladies and gentlemen our warrior number one, Caspian Arlow has declared Unkathrov upon this sacred battle ground!" An announcement over takes the arena as a dark haired man with a full black, beard named Bastian emerges from the flame. His finger pointed at his throat for the vocal charm he's producing.  "Warrior Caspian has chosen to fight in the place of Queen Lefreya on this day! What a charmer this one is." Bastian prances his way over to the couple standing in the ring. "Caspian, any words for the Queen before we begin?" He points his finger at Caspian's throat to project his words to the arena and the people watching from their homes. He clears his throat in anticipation. "I have known the great blaze of the Queen's fire, I fight for fear I may never be warm again, if I am cold let it be that I am dead." He bows his head to Lefreya and kisses her hand as he looks deep within her eyes. All of the anger that once possessed Lefraya leaves her body as she feels his soft lips caress her hand. Bastian mimics fanning himself as he squeals in excitement and the crowd wails. "Fight valiantly and wed me when you're through warrior. I look forward to witnessing your skill." The Queen leans in and whispers in Caspian's ear, his musk deep within her senses. She kisses his cheek and a surge of energy pulses through her heart chakra. She pulls away quickly for fear of what she has just experienced. Their eyes meet and they both appear to be greatly confused by the sensation. "Enough play time, if Caspian's as great a warrior as he is a charmer there will be plenty of play time ahead of you." Bastian winks and gently places his left hand at Lafreya's upper back to guide her to the Queens box. She typically observes the other wonderful games during the different festivals of the moon cycles here. Lefraya looks back at her fearless warrior standing all alone in the dust. A pang in her chest sends her breathing into a panic. Still she smiles and holds her head high as she makes her way to her intricate oak throne. Atop the cold, wooden chair she suddenly feels lonely and calls for the servant on the other side of the box. "Cecil, bring my handmaiden please I desire her company." Cecil nods politely with his hands behind his back and rushes to fetch Roth.


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