Chapter 2: Valiant Warrior

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"Do you think he'll triumph, My Queen?" Roth inquires as she sits at the Queens feet her dark green dress fluffed out beneath her. She observes the scene playing out before her. The shinning armor of the next opponent causes them to squint for a moment as the sun catches on various pieces of metal. He trudges towards Caspian. His armor clanking as he nears him. For a moment Caspian can see his reflection in the well-buffed silver. His mid length black hair is ruffled in places and his thick brows are furrowed in preparation. His battle axe at the ready, he hears the leather whine beneath his tightened grip on the weapon. His knees are slightly bent to distribute his weight and prepare for the hit. His opponent swings the large flail in an attempt to strike Caspian across the face. Caspian swiftly ducks and swipes the warrior's feet from beneath him with the butt of his axe. His body heavily thuds down to the dust. Caspian stands atop him searching the man's wide, hazel eyes and raises his axe high, He bends his knees deep as he swings the axe hard into the dirt. His opponent has spun out and away from the blow just in time. As Caspian removes his axe from deep within the earth the shining warrior slings his flail and the chains wrap tightly around the right ankle of his golden Armor. The spine shuddering sound of metal clashing together echoes through the arena in waves and leaves Lefraya's ears stinging. "Please Gaia, Mother of life. Let him live." Lefreya's breath catches in her throat as she prays. She watches begrudgingly as Caspian is dragged by his ankle towards the shining warrior. Caspian feels his armor crush around his ankle. His head bobs as he slides a top some pebbles. "Think fast Cas, what do I do?" Suddenly he switches his axe from his right hand to his left and he grasps the chain slag by his foot. Pulling as hard as he can, the shining warrior is catapulted directly into the blade of Caspian's weapon. A bone chilling, squelching noise escapes the poor man's body as he suddenly goes entirely limp and falls forward forcing Caspian's blade deeper in his chest. The lump inside of lefraya throat grows tight and suddenly burns hot. "Was I suppose to be able to do that? It's kill or be killed in this tournament." Lefraya's mouth becomes incredibly dry as she thinks about what just happened. You see Lefraya wouldn't have been safe in this tournament. It's about showing agility and worthiness of your throne. If she was killed the warrior who bested her must assume her position and if he triumphs the other warriors he becomes King. Typically, however the warriors stop short of killing because they wish to Marry the Queen and assume the Kingly title this way. The problem is the person who had the power first is the primary decision maker. Caspian protected her and they have yet to know anything about each other. Caspian rolls onto his feet and releases his trapped ankle from the flail. He gently flips his opponent onto his back and drops down to one knee at his opponent's right shoulder. Caspian takes a shaky deep breath. "I am sorry brother, you bravely fought, Valiant Warrior." He coaxes him with his words. The silver soldier coughs softly and specks of blood pool at the corner of his thin lips. He nods weakly and a discouraged breath escapes him as Caspian squeezes lightly on his hand. "From earth you emerged, to earth you return. May your spirit elevate in the next life." He sighs deeply, kisses two fingers and gingerly closes the man's eyes. "That never gets easier." Caspian thinks with a weighted heart. Two men, one tall and slender and the other short and broad, healers Lefraya assumes rush over to the dead man with a gurney. Caspian drops the man's hand and his head whips in the Queens direction. He looks troubled. Lefraya feels the disgust within his spirit. Something inside his big, blue eyes tells her this was not his first time watching life leave a man's body. As the healers remove the warrior from the arena Bastian appears from the flames once more. "We knew you had it in you Caspian! What skill! I'm sure the Queen is pleased with your bravery." He gestures an upturned palm towards the Queen. Caspian brings himself up onto both feet and looks at Bastian through his brows. Sweaty strands of his hair jade parts of his view. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go back to my tent for a while." He breathes as he pats Bastians forearm. "Ladies and gentlemen, Caspian is our champion of the day! Tomorrow we come back to see him fight "The Bronco" will he succeed? Let's find out tomorrow at high noon!" Bastian turns to say something to Caspian only to find that he has already begun to walk away. His head hung a little lower than before. "Find him." Lefraya thinks as she stands and curtsies for her people.

Lefraya stands once more in front of the extravagant, large mirror in her tent as Roth laces her iridescent, thigh length gown into place. She throws her long green locks into a loose bun on top of her head, and finally releases the deep breath that had been caught in her throat since Caspian began fighting. The Queen plops down heavily onto an intricately designed day bed. She stares at the branches that bring the piece together and supports her weight. Tapping her laced fingers against the back of her hand and sucking through her teeth as she thinks, Lefraya finally speaks. "He probably won't want company right now right? I just-I have to see him, to thank him, to make sure he's okay..." She trails off in the grips of thought once more. "Freya, the bridging ceremony is in a few short hours, I'm sure you can check on him there if you wish." Roth's eyes search Lefraya's for understanding. "Of course, how could I be so incredibly insensitive. A man just died Lefraya, have you no remorse?" Her violet eyes fall, adorned in shame. "I knew what was to come of this tradition, but why must it be tainted with such tragedy?" She questions, picking at the hem of her Aline dress with her fingers. "They say it is to harden the rulers heart against loss and attachment. Still, a tragic day indeed." Roth states as she plops down next to the Queen. Lefraya sets her head gently in the lap of her friend and Roth delicately strokes the crown of her head. They sit in silence as each of them contemplate what other tragedies and triumphs the fating will entail. Just as the talons of sleep sink themselves into the Queen, a sharp rapping at the tents post jolts her upright and her forehead smacks into Roth's. She giggles for a moment as she rubs the pain away. "Hard head and a soft rump your majesty." Roth chuckles as she too rubs at her forehead and stands. Roth smooths her dress with her hands and pulls the curtains of the tent apart. "Who is it?" The Queen inquires with heightened curiosity at Roths silence. "N-no one your majesty, just a-a box. A gift maybe?" She kneels down to examine the tidy mat black box further. Lefraya curiously peers from behind Roth's right shoulder, her nails slightly dig into Roth's flesh due to the anticipation. A shiny, black bow holds the present together and on the very top in the left corner and in golden, elaborate lettering it is addressed to the Queen. "Well open it Rothie!" Lefraya bites her nails, hoping to receive some romantic gesture from Caspian. She wishes she could rip straight into the box but because of the upheaval of the war Eastward of the wall she is unable to open things without... precautions. Roth pulls excruciatingly slowly on one end of the bow. "Oh Rothie, just lemme at it." Lefraya gently pushes Roth to the side as she rips the box open. "NO!" A potion merchant outside of her tent protests. He dives at the box on the ground and suddenly a dark purple and black wisp of darkness emerge. Each of the comb-like feathers attach themselves to the poor merchant and crawl up his arm. A great hissing noise is produced as Lefraya witnesses the curse sink deep into the poor man's veins. He screams in agony as he gapes at his arm. The curse has blackened his viens and continues to travel up his body. "Roth, go grab a medic." She nods vigorously and jolts away. "Don't worry, we are going to help you." Lefraya begins to lay a friendly palm on the man only to witness some of the curse inch away from the merchants body and towards her hand like a magnet. "No your majesty, it is highly contagious." He chokes out. His eyes begin to blacken as the veins in his face thicken and turn dark. "I must die, your highness and then a warfare specialist must burn the curse as it detaches from my body. Only then will you be safe." He coughs. A tear falls hot from Lefraya's chin as she listens carefully. "How did you know we weren't safe?" Lefraya inquires gently. "I'm Claireaudient, your majesty. I heard the hissing of the curse upon its arrival I just couldn't pinpoint it's location." The man exhales softly. Slowly the curse encompasses what is left of the merchant's healthy body. He wheezes feebly. " What is the name of my hero? I must honor your family with jewels and empathy." The Queen softly suggests. "Adame, but my friends call me Dame your majesty." He nods his head softly and his eyes look heavy. "Well Dame, when you make it out of this, we will have a feast in your honor to welcome you into the court of Lucentia. Have no fear faithful friend everything will be okay." Another tear falls from her face as she speaks words of comfort to Dame.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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