part 8

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Sunrays hit my eyes making me slowly open my eyes. I got up and saw he was still as sleep . He was looking so handsome .
I was lost in his beauty for few minutes and came back reality when I heard a knock on the door . He was still sleeping .
So I got up and opened the door . It was taehyung's mom .

Is everything alright ? I asked .
Yes my love everything is alright! Did I wake you? She said .
No no I was already awake . I said .
Go get fresh . I have kept all the stuff you need in your bathroom . And your clothes are in the cabinet . If you need anything just tell me . She said with a warm smile .
Okay mom! I said
She kissed my forehead and said Come for breakfast. I nodded.

I went to freshen up. Took bath . And then I realised I didn't brought my clothes from the cabinet . And here I am married. How can I forget that . Taehyung is still in the room .
I wonder if he is awake . Ahhh why such things happen to me .
I got really frustrated. I slightly open the door to see if he is still as sleep or not .
Thank god he was still sleeping . I wrapped bathrobe around me and slowly went outside without waking up him . Slowly opened the cabinet but in no time his phone rang .
I grabbed a t shirt . And ran again in bathroom . Then I realised it was his not mine . And now he is awake .
Now I had no option other than wearing his t shirt . I wore his t shirt it was my knee length . Cause it was his oversize t shirt but for me it was more oversize .

I came out and he give me a confused look . Why are looking at me like this . I asked .

Why are you wearing my t shirt ? Don't you have yours ? He asked .

It was my bad luck that I went to take bath without my clothes and came to take my clothes but your phone rang and took whatever I got in the first place . Anyways I am going to change this now . Because I can't go down like this . I said

Fine ! He said and went to freshen up .

I changed my clothes and sat on the bed while watching reels . And after sometimes . He came out with a towel wrapped on his lower body and water dripping from his hair . He was looking so handsome .

I covered my face and said don't you have any shame ? I am in the room and you came out like this ? .

I am shameless . If you are shy . Go out now . He said while smirking .

Then I realised he was injured . How can he walk .

Weren't you injured and had facture in your leg ? How can you walk ? Was that just a prank? I said

What do you want that I scream in pain and ask you to give me a bath , drive for me etc etc . I am strong enough to do it myself . I don't need you for this things . He said

I was frustrated and went out of the room.

I went down and saw mom sitting on the dining table.

Come here and join us ! She said

I went and sat on the chair and she served me breakfast.

Thankyou i said .

You don't need to say that . She said .

Where is taehyung ? Dad asked .

He will be here in 5 min . I said

Feel comfortable you are our daughter now. He said .

I gave a warm smile .

Few minutes later taehyung came down .

He was looking so handsome . Anyone can fall In love with him easily . He looked at me and I again started eating my breakfast.

He sat beside me .

I booked ticket for Paris for you both to enjoy . His dad said .

There was no need . I already have alot to handle . Taehyung said .

You both are leaving tonight and this is end of discussion. His dad said .

I looked at him in a confused look and he was looking at me with the same look .

Stop looking at each other and have your breakfast. Taehyung's mom said laughing .


Liza ! taehyung! Go and pack your stuff . Mom said .

We both nodded and went towards our room .

Taehyung ! I don't want to go to Paris!

But we have to . We don't have any choice !! He said

Ask your dad send us anywhere but not Paris. I said

Why ? He asked

I can't tell you ! You only said that we won't indulge in each others privacy ! I said .

Fine ! But I really can't do anything. And if there something bothering you . Don't be scared I am there with you . You are not going alone anyways . He said

His words made my heart flutter ! But still I looked at him frustrated.

Pack your stuff! He said .

Fine! I said .

We both packed our stuff .

And went down with our bags . My bag was heavy and I really can't pick it up by myself .

Can I carry your bag ? He asked

No need ! I said .

I tried to pickup but I failed and my leg slipped I was about to fall but taehyung caught me in time . We were just looking at each other. And then suddenly taehyung's mom came.

Ahmm did I disturbed you ? She asked.

N-N-no we both said .

Then let's go now or you both will be late for the flight .

Bye bye !!
Come back for next part !
Love you ♡>

LOVE THAT LINGERS, NOT FIRST BUT LAST ♡~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora