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It was officially the first day of college I was really anxious I've never been around lots of people much before and it's really scary especially if their rude

I hate rude people

speaking of rude people I really hope I don't bump into any like William hopes I don't even know that guy and I already hate him it's something about his high ass ego and thinking every girl 'wants' him

I finish applying on my lipgloss and grab my bag fun fact about me I have over more than 200 lipglosses don't judge they're my favorite thing ever to exist

I walk out my room seeing my brother and the same dirty blonde haired boy from that night again "hi kye,hi stranger" I wave as the boy chuckles

"my name is Cameron but hello to you also beautiful"I hear a grunt from Cameron as my brother elbow is down low I giggle

"don't call my sister fucking beautiful you dumbass" my brother slaps him on his head "but it's the truth" he smiles as I return it back

"bye see you two on campus?" I question and they give me a quick nod as they finish eating their cereal I give them one last weird look before leaving out the door


I get out my car finally arriving on campus I spot my brothers car...how the hell did he get here before me I felt a touch on the back of my shoulder as I turned around

"Hi,I'm Alina harper" she gives me a really big smile I don't think I did anything to this girl but she seemed really nice especially her quiet sweet voice

Alina had shoulder length curls that really made her pop out round lips brown tannish like skin big brown doe eyes that shined she looked really innocent and she was a little shorter than me because I stood taller than her while leaning on my car

"umm it's my second year here and I've never seen you around before I was just wondering if you wanted any direction if you needed it but it's fine if you say no" she says really quickly hiding her face with her books

I laugh "yeah it's my first year here I'm a freshman or wtv you like to call it but it would be an honor if you showed me around." I gave her a generous smile as she nods taking my hand as we walked

"so what made you want to come to the big UCLA" she exclaims "well my brother goes here and I just wanted somewhere were I know at least somebody "

"omg no way same my brother always talked about how nice UCLA was but honestly in my opinion it sucks ass" she fakes gags with a laugh

We hear giggling as we walk and turn to see it's William with his arm around a girl "ew William" I hear Alina fake gag "I dislike him he's a coward" I nod in agreement knowing all I wanted was for him to touch me like that

"you know he's my brother friend" her eyes go wide "no-it's fine lins I dislike him also" I push her shoulder a little with a laugh

"Also where are you from your accent sounds familiar"

"England" I give her a smile "it's so pretty I wish I was from England" she pouts "well umm here's your stop the office should be able to give you everything and we should switch numbers by the way just incase" she smiles as I agree we swap numbers and Alina hurries off I'm guessing to her first class

"Hey darling" I groan and turn my back knowing who exactly it is "don't you have a class to be going to William" I say rolling my eyes "nah classes don't start till 11 I'm just walking around"

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