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That asshole took her on a date after I warned him not to and on top of that bought her flowers with 2 ugly ass stuff animals on the side and not to mention how good she looked that night the way she was smiling after she came in the house ticked me off way more.

I started punching the punching bag harder each and every time I wasn't even mad,mad wasn't even the word to described how I felt right now.

I punch the bag one good last time as I watch it rip open and my knuckles bleeding "damn hopes who pissed you off" I glare at my teammate as I take my AirPod out "you if you keep fucking talking to me where is coach" he points his finger to his office I groan putting my shirt on as I walk in his office

"I'm going home early I don't feel well" I say as I was about to leave out while he slams his hand on his desk "feeling well or not you will stay here and practice with the rest of the team just because your star point doesn't mean shit so your staying here." I nod slamming his door getting back to work

I look over at kye who's doing jumping jacks me kye are both the captains coach couldn't figure out who was better while me and kye play football Carson takes enjoyment in basketball and is on a full scholarship like us we all support each other

"what's up bro" kye ask me while walking over to get his water "nothing I'm just ready to leave" kye fakes gasp "you William hopes ready to leave practice early are you sure your my William" I laugh looking down "the bell rings in 10 minutes anyways come on"

Kye grabs the ropes and starts jump roping this guy has to be on serious drugs right now I get on the ground putting my AirPod back in turning my music up to full blast while I do sit ups

Why did my skye have to go on a date with that jackass and why did she look so happy coming back home I swear I saw 2 to 3 hickeys on her neck all I needed to know is why him why would she say yes to him

These feelings that I'm feeling right now needs to stop for my own good I need to stay focus I can't have my mind wrapped up on some girl who probably doesn't even give 2 shits about me

But that night when I was talking to her it felt like it was only me and her the only people in the world and she was the only one I could keep my attention on the only person I thought of but knowing she probably doesn't feel the same is the downfall of it

Now do I believe in love at first sight,no I never really much thought about it being real just some myth they made up for fools like Romeo and Juliet but in my sanrio I did believe in it when it came to me and her the only girl i had eyes for I sound crazy about a girl I haven't even stuck my dick in yet

I wanted a girl who probably doesn't even feel the same way about me and it hurts something that I'm so destined on is someone I can't have it's like every time I'm with her she's the only one that matters and I'll hurt anyone if they ever hurt her and that's a promise

"Hit the showers will" I sit up as I feel kyes shadow covering light "move out the light way big back" he tries to slap me with his towel as I catch it using it as a support to get up

I go inside the shower taking my shorts off and shirt the shower was hot boiling hot but it felt good it felt like her skin touching mines and I didn't want it to stop I needed her

I felt as the water slowly turned cold on my skin and it didn't feel good anymore I turn the water off hoping out putting on my normal clothes while putting my workout clothes in my bag I grab my shoes putting them on while walking out

I walk out in the hallway to see skye and her best friend alina walking side by side together laughing about something then I see Carson staring at her with a smirk leaning on a wall talking to a girl I wanted to go up to him and punch him so badly but I surprisingly just walked off

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