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It's been a week since the little make out between me and William went on in my bathroom and to be honest it's all I could think about that's all that's on my mind

How his smooth lips kissed up and down on my neck as he held on my waist,how he choked me while grinding his hard into me fast his moans his heavy breathing,groaning I needed to hear it again

But yet again I'm a 17 year old with no experience what so ever and William is 20 and he has such more experience than me he's the furthest I've ever gotten with

no one has ever kissed these lips or even got close to making out with me embarrassing I know I'm still a virgin at 17 and never kissed anyone

high school boys who I would meet at malls would always tell me I have 'dick sucking lips' whatever that means

I'm now walking to my second hour w alina and I have the worst fucking headache in that class William,Cameron and kye the annoying trio

they sometimes throw paper balls at me and other little small stuff for no exact reason "skye!" I see Cameron running up to me holding his arms out

"hi cam" I smile at him as he picks me up walking tg in the class "where's the other two" he rolls his eyes "trying to get some girl instagram" I laugh knowing deep down inside I was upset that William was talking to another girl

"you okay skye" I nod taking his hand walking us to the back corner together "sooo it's this party tonight and I know your brother is gonna kill me but would you like to come" I nod jumping up

"I would love to go I've never been to a party what do I wear and omg can I please invite alina I can't go anywhere without her and-" he cuts me off

"Slow down skye, and I don't think bringing alina to this party would be a good idea" I look at him confused "why not alina is nice cam" I hit his shoulder

"You may think that but when you find out what she did" he sighs laying his head down on my shoulder "what she do?"

"It's not really my place to say skye but you know I would tell you if I could but nobody really and truly knows what happened that night" he looks in the front of the room turning all of his attention to our professor

My head turns to the door as I hear it open to see William smiling with messy hair and what looks like hickeys he is probably the biggest hoe I know

He sees me and his smile goes a little higher while I turn my attention back on the professor she was so boring I hated this class all she did was yap over and over again no points are to be made at all from this class

"Hey darling" William says as he touches my shoulder I decided to ignore him because I was sleepy and also I was annoyed at him I didn't want him speaking to me

"so your just gonna ignore me now?" He says with a small smirk.I roll my eyes slumping back in my chair with a small huff picking up my things and moving to the next row looking up at him with a big smile counting my work until I feel 2 paper balls thrown at me

I look back up to see Cameron and William there laughing with their head downs "very funny jerks" I huff crossing my arms turning around"Ms.Brown is there a problem?" I shake my head no as I continue to type on my laptop

I hear Cameron and William still laughing as if they were about to piss themselves and die I roll my eyes they are so dead.


"hey,wait up" I hear Cameron call from the back of me rushing up putting his arm around me "what do u what Cameron I'm not in the mood right now" he chuckles from my response "So have you taken any thoughts on the party"

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