Chapter 2

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The next day, Benjamin was too exhausted to attend lectures because he had worked overtime the previous night. Before he could pull himself together and prepare for his lectures, he was already late. He had to run the school since taking a bus would cut down his savings. While rushing to his lecture hall, he bumped into someone, causing different files and papers to scatter on the floor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Benjamin apologised and bent down, trying to gather the files on the floor.

"You need to watch where you are going next time." Benjamin froze at the sound of the voice that had just spoken to him.

His eyes travelled from the feet of the person to the face to see a very... Well handsome is an understatement. If there is another word more than that, possibly if :




Where put together to describe Benjamin's state at the glance of the man's face.

"like what you see? The man asked with a smirk. "Not to worry I get that look all the time, it's quite tiring isn't it?" He smirked looking nonchalantly.


Benjamin became flushed and looked away. The man chuckled lightly at Benjamin. "Can I have my files now?" He asked.
"" Benjamin stammered as he returned to gathering the remaining files.

He stood up with the files shortly after and handed them back to the man.

"I'm sorry once again, sir." Benjamin apologised looking down.

"Puft, it is no big deal, mistakes are inevitable. Just be careful next time" he took a few steps leaving but turned back." Please call me Timothy or Tim. Pleasure meeting you". Benjamin just nodded absentmindedly. Timothy smiled at him before walking away.

"Benjamin! Benjamin!"

A voice called Benjamin back to reality.

He turned to see Onyinye who was looking at him with an arched brow. "What captured your mind?"


"What were you thinking of that you didn't notice I was right beside you, calling your name?" Onyinye asked.

"" he uttered, scratching his nape thinking of what to tell her.

How could he tell her that he had just met the hottest guy he had ever seen in his life?

No way!

"" Onyinye asked.

"Ehm, I...I was just trying to f...find my way to... class."

Onyinye gave Benjamin a kind of look that said 'You're lying' but decided not to pry further.

"Come on then, let's go to the lecture hall. We are going to be to be late if we are not already." Onyinye said and started pulling him away.

They met Samsom on the way and the three of them went to class, chatting amongst themselves.

A few minutes after the three settled down, the lecturer walked into the lecture hall, leaving Benjamin in a bit of shock.

The lecturer happened to be the same guy he had bumped into earlier.

Oh shit...

He didn't introduce himself as a lecturer.

Of all the places to meet and to top it all he is my lecturer.

Immediately they both locked eyes and Benjamin looked away in embarrassment it made Tim chuckle lightly while shaking his head.

"Hello class, I'm Dr Timothy Ebuka or Dr Tim. I'm going to be taking you on...."

Benjamin was so carried away that he wasn't listening to anything being taught by Tim. He has been so lost in thought, not just because the man he had bumped into was his lecturer, but because he was the same man he was foolishly checking out.

Benjamin lifted his head that he had lowered, to see Dr. Tim approaching him. now...

Benjamin thought.

He was unprepared for any question since he had not been listening.

Please, Lord, let him not ask me anything

He prayed in his heart.

On getting closer, Dr. Tim noticed the uneasiness on Benjamin's face. He smiled a little and turned back to continue his lectures.

Benjamin let out a sigh of relief.

Once class was over for the day before lunch. Since they had only morning classes. Benjamin and his three newly made friends went to have lunch at the school cafeteria. As usual Onyinye, Samson and Tobi were having their playful banter. Benjamin on the other hand was still thinking of the encounter with the professor. He can't help but feel so ashamed for how he had kept staring and admiring Tim.

If only I knew he was one of his lecturers, he would have been more prepared.

"Guys don't you think Dr Tim is too handsome for his good," Onyinye stated then asked. Tobi and Samson rolled their eyes while Benjamin's ears stood still. "Plus he's even a good teacher."

"Get a grip on yourself for god sake girl" Samson chided her in annoyance.

"I agree with Samson, besides almost everyone is crushing on him. Emphasis on everyone" Tobi said. "Believe me or not you have a VERY low chance of getting his attention. Tobi explained to Onyinye who was getting upset at him.

"How sure are you? I mean very cute, beautiful and talented" Onyinye said flipping her hair. Samson shook his head while Tobi facepalmped.

"I see you like it the hard way, let me put it to you, Dr Tim with the kind of personality he has, you know handsome, well educated,blabla will certainly date someone at his level and status not you who just began..." he looked her strangely "life, so rest." Tobi finalised. Shocked was written on her face. But Benjamin was disappointed but quickly recovered.

"Scumbag, sometimes I wonder if I made friends or enemies," Onyinye said glaring at Tobi.

"I'm just trying to help you, we both know that nothing can happen between you and Dr Tim, I mean you're just daydreaming if you think you have a chance.

"You..." Onyinye was interrupted by Samson.

"Quiet, you guys. You might choke on your food. Let's forget about this for now. Can't you learn from Benjamin who has been quiet? Samson said gesturing at Benjamin.

"Yeah Benjamin, forget these two haters of mine and tell me what you think of Dr Tim" Onyinye asked Benjamin expectantly.

"I... don't..k..know, he's a good lecturer I think," Benjamin said looking away.

"No doubt his good at what he does, but I'm asking about other aspects hmm, isn't he hot?" Onyinye asked Benjamin who was speechless.

"Seriously that's enough guys, let's continue with our food and Onyinye how can you be asking a guy if he thinks another guy is hot?" Samson asked pointing his spoon at her.

"What's wrong with that, we're in the twenty-first century. Things happen, things are changing dummy" Onyinye defended.

"Let's just eat" Benjamin said making them stop their argument. Feeling a little better.


#S. E. H.#

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