The World's Greatest Detective Does Consulting

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~ A month later ~

Now all five of the buildings in the complex belong to the Mori Corporation, the Port Mafia's new cover company. The number of executives stands at four. Four faceless, yet steadfast pillars anchoring each of the Port Mafia's four divisions. Ozaki Kouyou (torture), the Colonel (training and weapons acquisition), The Clairvoyant (strategy, and research), and the mysterious Angel of Death (Medical division).

A name which Mori had been reluctant to call her, if not for her own request.

Each executive gets their own office on the floor below the war room and advanced weaponry, the second floor down from Mori's office. And each office resembles its occupant.

Ozaki-san's office is full of light wood panelling and models depicting violent historical scenes, a thing she loves from her days as a child stage actor, side by side with models of peaceful canals and sakura blossom trees in peak bloom. When she's not there she's usually in the training room or directing her torture squad.

The colonel's office pays homage to his military days with guns and badges displayed.

The Angel of Death has an office, but it remains empty as she spends most of her time at school or working as a simple doctor in the mafia's special infirmary. No one would suspect a thing.

Ranpo's office is plain but in almost every crack and crevice candy can be found.

When Ranpo isn't forming strategy, or playing with Elise or doing the martial arts training Fukuzawa insists he does, he's bored. So very, extremely bored. And a bored Ranpo is like an angry Akiko, no good.

Of course, he comes up with the perfect plan to cure his boredom. A risky plan.

"Since no one knows my identity, I'll work as a consulting detective for the police, using Ultra Deduction to solve crimes, put away criminals and remove obstacles from the Port Mafia's path to power. And I'll be in the station so I'll be able to remove any evidence that the mafia may leave behind."

'It's brilliant. So long as he isn't found out. But it's far better than nothing and he'll be infinitely more productive in the field with his boredom cured. I suppose I have no choice but to allow it.'

"Okay, but you'll be dealing with dangerous criminals. I'll need you to carry some type of weapon on you."

"Ugh really, I have to learn to shoot now too? How boring? Isn't that what the police would be there for, to protect me?"

Fukuzawa has to smile at the boy's opinions toward the police. "No, the police are mediocre at the best of times, and they'll be busy dealing with criminals. You have to remember that you're important, not only to the mafia but to myself and Ougai as well. It's imperative that you not be hurt or killed. Remember Mitamura-san? Not everyone in the police force is good. In fact, it's riddled with criminals and infiltrators, many of them not ours, and they'll all be itching to get their hands on you once they see what you can do, whether they know you're mafia or not."

As hard as it may be to make Ranpo see reason, Fukuzawa is the one person who can do so without fail. Ranpo nods, defeated, forced to agree with the sound logic of the plan.

"Fine. They won't be able to do anything when I put them away."

"Yes, but until that time, I'll arrange for you to train with Hirotsu-san."

"The old guy with the cool half-glasses?"

"It's called a monocle, and perhaps don't call him old to his face, he's only 40, just four years older than me."

"It's not an insult, just a fact."

"I know, but some adults don't see it that way."

"Again, adults are confusing!" he says, shrugging and walking off, probably heading to find Akiko in the infirmary. As he watches Ranpo's retreating form, a realisation strikes Fukuzawa.

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