Chapter 16: Invitations to Lunch

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After dinner they went up to their common room and settled on the sofa to talk about the details of actually getting married. The kids were in Scorpius's room reading jokes to each other and they could hear the two of them giggling from time to time through the open doors.

"How about we just elope?" Draco asked right off. "I've been through the whole mess of a wedding before and I'd rather not put you and the kids through that."

"I was going to suggest that myself. I don't want the whole world poking their noses in our private lives either. We could have your parents and our close friends out for dinner after to make the announcement."

"So that's the Potters, Zabinis, Theo... Daphne will not be invited of course. Would you want any of the rest of the Weasley bunch?"

"Only Arthur and Molly. Ron would probably crash the party if we invited all of them. I love them all dearly, but not enough to have to deal with that."

Draco nodded.

"Theo could do the ceremony for us, he got that certification as a joke before Blaise's wedding."

Hermione laughed, "that works for me. Do you think he could do it next week?"

Draco pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Theodore Nott's number, putting the phone on speaker between them.

"Yo, drake. What's up?" Theo asked as he picked up.

"Hey mate, you still have that minister's certificate from Blaise's stag party?"

"Yeah, you manage to pack yourself in Mione's suitcase?"

Hermione's eyebrows rose, and Draco flushed.

"He talked me out of needing one." she said

"Oh! Hey Hermione. You sure you wanna get stuck with this one? He can be a bit of a prick sometimes."

Draco scowled at the phone.

"Tell me something I don't know." Hermione laughed, but smiled at him and took his hand in hers.

"He's also the absolute best man I know." Theo offered,

"Ok, enough of that." Draco said, equally embarrassed with the complement as he had been with the double entendre of the 'suitcase'. "We were wondering if you'd be free next week to officiate for us. We're eloping."

"Ah mate. I leave for that Arithmancy conference in Brussels on Monday and won't be back till nearly the start of term. I can do tomorrow though if you want to. I mean you're eloping, may as well get it over with right?"

Draco looked at Hermione, "what do you think?"

She shrugged. "I didn't have any other plans."

"That works for us then."

"So lunch tomorrow? Will it just be us?"

"We'll see if anyone else can make it, so there might be a small party, but probably just us and the kids. Also- if you can keep this between us for now Theo. You're the first to know."

"Ah, surprise wedding party? I'm all for seeing your mothers face when she realizes what's going on." Theo laughed across the line, "Oh Merlin- that will be priceless. Yes. my lips are sealed. Please, PLEASE don't tell her until I get there."

Draco chuckled, "I'll do my best not to arouse her suspicions, and thank you Theo."

"You're welcome mate. I'm happy for you both. See you tomorrow."

"See you then."

Hermione tapped a finger on the red end call button. "Draco, before we call anyone else–"

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