Chapter 14: An Uncommon Courtship

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A/N: HEYO! New chapter up for you lovely people. If you've come to read JUST this chapter- hit up the previous chapter real quick first. I've added about 1500 words after their first kiss to get us to this point! Other major changes were made in the next chapter and after that only minimal changes past that.

The children took the news of their new relationship rather well all things considered. Scorpius went whooping about the kitchen table while Rose sat a bit more reserved, her eyes a little worried. She liked Drake, wished he could be her dad instead of the idiot who had done nothing but make her and her mother's life a horror movie. And if things went well, then there was nothing to worry about, she told herself. Of course, if things didn't... they wouldn't have a place to live and she'd never get to see her best friend ever again.

Rose swallowed, blinking back confusing tears.

"Rose- are you alright?" Hermione knelt down beside her daughter who's eyes stayed glued to the table top, her cheeks flushed, her teeth worrying her bottom lip- hands picking at her nails. Draco placed a hand on Scorpius's shoulder, "we'll step out and let you two have a few minutes." he directed Scorpius out of the kitchen, pausing to clasp Hermione's hand in his reassuringly. She gave him a tight smile and the two Malfoy's left the kitchen.

"Rose. what's wrong?"

"What if you and Drake break up? What if you fight and– and then I don't ever get to see Scorp again? What if he hates me? I Don't wanna leave!" Rose sobbed, collapsing into her mother's arms.

"Oh Rosie." Hermione rubbed her back. "I can't promise that Draco and I won't fight or decide that the two of us together isn't what is best for the four of us as a family. But I can promise that no matter what happens, we won't do anything to keep you and Scorpius apart. Right now- you and I are still moving out at the end of the summer, as has been the plan since I was hired to teach at Hogwarts. None of that has changed. Draco and I– we just want to take some time and see if maybe we can work as a family."

"But we DO work as a family mum." Rose looked up at her with big teary eyes. "We do."

Hermione couldn't help but smile. "We rather do, don't we?"

"Yes. So why do you have to change everything?"

"Well– families are more than just mums and dads and daughters and sons- they're also husbands and wives."

"So that's what you're trying to figure out? If you and Drake can be husband and wife?" Rose asked, wiping the tears from her eyes and sniffling. Hermione pulled her handkerchief out of the pocket of her skirt and handed it to her daughter. She had a bit of a blush on her cheeks as she answered,

"Yes. I think that is what we're doing now." Hermione hadn't quite come to terms with that the night before, but in the end that was what it was really. That was why he chose the word Courting instead of Dating. She was going to leave that for him to bring up though. She wasn't sure what she thought of remarrying so soon after Ronald.

"Are you alright with that?" she asked.

Rose nodded. "Yeah. so long as you promise that if things don't work out we can all still be friends." she said firmly. Hermione stopped for a second. Could she promise? She of all people knew that breakups could be really really bad. She looked out the window into the back garden where Draco and Scorpius were sitting in the grass having their own conversation. Scorpius was laying flat on his back, his arms waving in the air as he talked. Draco sat, long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, leaning back on his hands. This wasn't something she could answer on her own.

"You know what. Let's go ask Draco." Hermione stood up and offered Rose her hand. The two walked out to the garden together.

Draco looked up as he heard the kitchen door close. Rose and Hermione were walking toward them hand in hand. Rose looked like she'd been crying. He hoped that this wasn't the end of everything- because it very well could be. In the end he knew that both of them would choose the children over each other. Hermione settled on the grass by his knees before she spoke.

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