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The scent of old sandalwood incense hung heavy in the air, a familiar yet suffocating aroma in Tara's childhood home. Outside, the familiar melody of Tamil prayers drifted in from the nearby temple, a stark contrast to the storm brewing within her. Almost four weeks had passed since her encounter with Adi and Agaran at the market, their shared laughter an unsettling echo of a past she couldn't grasp. The memory of Agaran's infectious laughter, a melody mirroring Adi's, echoed incessantly in her mind. It was more than just a pleasant encounter; it was a spark igniting a bonfire of curiosity. Who was this boy who mirrored her past love in both laughter and name?

Driven by a force she couldn't quite explain, Tara began a journey of self-discovery. Sleep became a distant stranger, replaced by nights spent sifting through old photographs, each faded image unlocking a fragmented memory. A stolen kiss captured in grainy film, a hospital ID bracelet with her name, a newspaper clipping mentioning a car accident – each piece a puzzle shard pricking at the edges of her amnesia.

One particular discovery sent chills down her spine – a doctor's appointment card tucked away in an old purse. Dr. Mathew, the name screamed from the yellowed paper, a name her brothers had conveniently omitted when recounting the events of the accident.

With trembling hands, she dialed the number. Dr. Mathew's voice, seasoned with age and empathy, confirmed what she feared. A critical head injury, a two-month coma, and amnesia – details her brothers had buried along with her memories.

The revelation triggered a tidal wave of memories. Tender moments with Adi, whispered promises of forever, the electrifying joy of discovering her pregnancy – all vivid yet laced with the pain of their forced separation. The doctor's confirmation of a child, lost in the accident according to her brothers, sent a fresh wave of grief crashing over her.

Fueled by a burning need for answers, Tara confronted her brothers, her voice a storm brewing inside the confines of their opulent living room. "Enakku ippo ellame therinjaganum, Sollunga" she demanded, her gaze unwavering despite the tremor in her hands.

Daniel, usually stoic, shifted uncomfortably. "Tara, please, calm down, purinjiko. We did what we thought was best..."

"Best for whom?" she shot back, her voice rising. "For yourselves? To control my life, steal memories, and take away my child?"

Shame colored Michael's cheeks. "We wouldn't have, if he hadn't threatened..."

"Threatened?" Tara's breath hitched. "Who threatened whom?"

A tense silence hung in the air before Daniel, his head hung low, and lied through his teeth. "They... Aditya's friend. They said if he didn't leave you, they'd hurt you, us, even the baby."

Tears welled up in Tara's eyes, blurring her vision. "They took my child away from me too? So my baby was alive?" she breathed, the realization echoing in the room like a thunderclap.

Michael reached out, but she flinched away. "We thought you were better off without him, Nee patta kastam laam pothum Tara, engalukku ne avan kuda illama irunthale santhosama iruppanu thonuchu, He is not the right one for you." he mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

"Better off without love, without happiness?" Tara scoffed, her voice laced with hurt and anger. "You told me he moved on, got married, that the baby... that I lost them with the accident. Lies upon lies!.... en Life eh full ah poi aakitingala? naan enna paavam pannan?"

The weight of their deception seemed to crush them. Shame etched their faces as they recounted their fear of her leaving their community, the escalating threats to not get bad mouthed by the society led them to manipulate Adi and hide the truth, driven by their distorted sense of protecting her.

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