The Duo

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Tara knelt down, her gaze level with his. "You know what.... I missed u soo much, Agaraa, after all got to know that so much happened in my life" she explained, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear, and she said the last part seeing Aditya. "But tell me, little hero, what have you been up to?"

"I missed you too!" he announced, his voice a whirlwind of words. His eyes sparkled with mischief. "But, I had an adventure! A big, scary truck almost ran over me, but I jumped out of the way just in time with Appa!"

Tara's breath caught in her throat. This seemingly harmless anecdote sent shivers down her spine. A truck? Could it be...? But the thought was quickly dismissed as paranoia. Surely, a minor accident would be kept secret from her.

"Sounds like quite the ordeal," she teased, examining the minor wound. "But you seem to have handled it like a true hero." Forcing a smile, she asked, "Did you get hurt anywhere?"

Agaran shook his head, his chest puffed with pride. "No, I'm brave like Appa! He took me to the hospital and they patched me up with a cool bandaid, see?" He pointed to a faded adhesive on his knee, a testament to his resilience.

Tara's heart ached, her already messed up mental state turned even more chaoitic. The mention of Adi, the man she had loved and lost, sent a pang through her. Yet, she couldn't help but be curious about their life together, the life stolen from her memory.

"And what did Appa say after that?" she prodded gently.

Agaran tilted his head, thinking. "He said I'm his little hero, and we should always be careful near big trucks. And what ever it is he will always be there with me to support me and protect me." His innocent words were like a key, unlocking a hidden door in Tara's mind. She yearned to know more, to piece together the fragments of their past.

"He sounds like a wonderful father," Tara said wistfully. "Did he tell you stories of when you were even smaller, a tiny baby perhaps?"

Agaran's eyes widened. "yeahhhh!! He did! He did! He said I used to cry a lot sometimes, but then he'd sing me this special song, and I would fall asleep right away." He hummed a tune, a sweet melody that tugged at Tara's heartstrings.

"What was the song about?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Agaran's brow furrowed in concentration. "He said it was about stars and wishes... and how even the smallest stars can shine the brightest."

Tears welled up in Tara's eyes, blurring the setting sun that painted the park in warm hues of orange and gold. The song resonated deep within, a faint echo of her past, a melody sung to their child, perhaps sung by her own voice. Was this a fragment, a piece of their life together, a shared memory hidden beneath layers of amnesia?

The air grew thick with unspoken tension as Tara, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm, looked at Agaran, his innocent face a mirror reflecting the unknown she craved. "I think your Appa has many more stories," she said, a determined glint in her eyes that mirrored the flicker of fear in Aditya's. "Perhaps tomorrow, we can ask him together?"

Agaran's face lit up with excitement. "Yes! And maybe I can teach you to sing the star song too!"

Tara smiled, a bittersweet pang in her heart. The road ahead was uncertain, shrouded in secrets and unspoken truths. But with each conversation, each shared memory, she hoped to bridge the gap between past and present, and rediscover the love that bound them together.

Meanwhile, under the shade of the tree, Aditya watched, his expression an unreadable mask. A kaleidoscope of emotions flickered in his eyes – love, pain, longing, and a hint of fear. He saw the yearning in Tara's eyes, the echo of recognition in Agaran's innocent words. The truth, a seed waiting to sprout, had been planted. He knew it wouldn't be long before its roots broke through the surface, forcing them to confront a past they could no longer hide.

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