Discovered and..... Arizona

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Arizona POV: now that mom disappeared my evil plans are set "Texas, get the duckt tape!" I yell "already on it!" Texass yells back while tossing a few rolls of tape to me I then look for victim number one, Minnesota and proceed to "decorate" the roof with people... Tehehe

France POV: I have no idea what's happening here apparently America has 55 kids I wanted grandkids not 55 grandkids wow that's alot of kids that's too many kids

EU POV: I wonder why France and Germany aren't at the meeting hmmm nyes *teleporte* O nou...

France POV: if my day could get worse EU teleported us so now everyone knows America has kid I'm gonna murder EU I'm not happy that America has hidden beans (kids) from us, or that she disappeared and I haven't seen her since "I was never here America come to my house after this" I say somewhat coldly I have barely had time to process this.

America POV: well I'm screwed mom is going to kill me for leaving her, EU won't leave me alone until I answer her I teleported Flo home I was about to teleport myself until Iceland said "America can I help babysit" Me and Iceland have been great friends and always supported each other, Then I teleported both of us to my house "Holy sh-" I covered her mouth "my kids already cuss don't encourage them" I said "sorry but look at your roof" she said I did and ari was being too peaceful I knew it  "Arizona!" Ari ran down the stairs with a smile "hi mom do you like my decorating!" She said "No take your siblings down from the roof, also get noi and Indy for me" I said 🇮🇸"so how many kids do you have?" "Fifty-five" I say "Also I have to go to moms house" Indy and noi show up smiling "hii I'm going to leave you guys with a babysitter can you help her do her job" they simultaneously said "Of course!" "Indy and noi will help the most the new England States are about 50-50 some will help others.. will scream about revolution be careful, bye!" I poofed Mom was sitting on the couch I already knew she was drinking her wine since it's so early and there's already chaos "Hello?" I stutter "I have Grandkids And you didn't tell me!" She said  loudly "I didn't know how to tell you it had already been so long since I had seen you" I said nervously "why did you leave me?" She said "It's been so long I barely remember" I said nervously "Can I meet MY grandkids?" Her eyes lit up when I said yes "but maybe don't drink alcohol beforehand about 10 of the states will try and kill you as is" I said "wh-" "your parents most of them hate colonizers they are still young though and some don't care as much as long as you don't mention the civil war or dad" I replied quickly "o oke" she said "you can meet them tomorrow, and yes you can force Germany to come with you just be careful my tallest will try and murder you because of WW2 so stay away from Hawaii and you won't die ;)" I say and poof back to my house Chicago was there what a n8ce surprise.

Sorry I haven't wrote much I wanted to finish this chapter before I go to my aunts house and I did sorry it's short also Chicago has her own personality since Chicago is most of Illinois she doesn't visit often but she is also very responsible and reliable Austin is also it's own personality, Dangoheart you got mail! (Correct answer to trivia question)

55 kids and... America!Where stories live. Discover now