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"Send the next one", Gangu waved her hand fan to curb the heat. She was already irritated hearing sob stories yet sat through it. Although she was running illegal trade of human organs, she hasn't fully lost her humanity. She bought organs from willing donors who were in dire need of money. Of course she exploited helplessness of either sides to earn hefty commission, however she tried to bring a win to the side from where it is taken.

A timid young woman entered her room while Gangu was going through her details given by middleman. "Mehek Sharma. Blood group...hmmm rare", her eyes sparkled with greed. However she acted as if it didn't matter. Anyway seeing the diffident being sitting before her, she assumed it will be a child's play to cash on her helplessness. "I am ready to donate my kidney...or even undergo for a liver tissue donation if you have a positive match", Mehek spoke nervously. 

Gangu scrutinised the girl from top to bottom, assessing her courage also wondering what pushed her  to take the drastic step in such a young age. "Nice watch", Gangu complimented the expensive unisex smart watch the petite woman was wearing. Probably a knock-off else it would have got her some cash. Apart from that she was nothing extraordinary but dressed neatly in common cloths divulging her average upbringing. 

Mehek covered her watch with her free palm in fear that it may be snatched away from her. "I have been maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout my life. I was a national athlete till my graduation", Mehek explained. "Impressive", Gangu praised her, "which sport?". "Boxing", she replied with a sigh recalling her good days. She added without wasting time, "never smoked, doesn't drink or ever used drugs. Never was I ever admitted in hospital until recently....". Gangu raised her eye because she was unable to find her hospitalisation in her records, "Which hospital?". "Prison", Mehek replied dubiously.

Gangu was unable to hold her sarcastic laughter, "So the little birdie here had already did her time in jail. Aren't you a gem?". Mehek felt so embarrassed but couldn't give up. She didn't come this far to be intimated by a tactless woman. "I was held in custody until my name was cleared. There was no charge against me so no trial", she defended herself.

Gangu had seen enough life to evaluate people who comes across in her daily life. "Under which crime?", she asked expecting fraud or theft . "Murder", Mehek looked down in shame, "I was prime suspect when my husband went missing". "Hmmm", Gangu didn't pry further. Truly she didn't care. She only need to worry about her trade so went back to business, "You may have to undergo a medical checkup to certify your health. By the way, why were you hospitalised?". "I suffered a miscarriage", she replied clutching to her hands. Her eyes brimmed with tears, "I was three weeks pregnant"

Even the stone hearted Gangu felt a pang as she gathered plight of the young woman before her. She extended her hand to pat Mehek' shoulder, "I promise to get the best deal for you". "I don't want money", Mehek once again surprised her. "Then what do you want?", Gangu was getting irritated. "I want your help to find the truth. I need to know who killed my husband" 

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