Chapter 4

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Atharva quickly grabbed Mehek's hand, dragging her to near by empty class room. She held herself together but occasionally tears spilled out of her eyes. "Mehek, I am a nobody. Rana is just an elegant name I added to myself. I have no family or relatives to boast about", he spoke immediately, "I am just a man without any proper background or relatable past. True, I have a job with a stable income. Yet is it sufficient nurture a family? Will you be happy to spend your life with a man like me?". Before he could again spew non-sense, she embraced him by wrapping her arms around his neck, "I just need you".

In some time, Atharva brought back Mehek to the same place from where she was chased out by bullies. He held their intertwined arms up and proclaimed, "Mehek is my woman. We are together". Crowd gasped in wonder. His words were not just for unknown faces but for their friends and well-wishers. "I love her", he untied his watch from his wrist and tied it around her wrist. "We are promised to spend rest of the life together". 

Mehek look on to the object around her wrist. It was never hidden knowledge that it was his prized possession. Umpteenth times Atharva have boasted to them that he had brought the expensive smart watch on his own, spending from his first salary. Giving it to her, he has proclaimed his commitment louder than any diamond ring. Without holding back for another second, she hugged him. Soon the atmosphere vibrated with hoots and howls cheering for them. The entire crowd started felicitating the couple on their engagement.

It was tough to convince Mehek's family. Her parents had passed away many years back, leaving her in care of her Uncle and Aunt. She was not very close to them, nevertheless they were her only family. Their blessing would have meant a lot to her since her parents were no more. But they refused to accept someone like Atharva, an orphan with a blank canvas for his lineage. They agreed that he was educated and will be well settled in life. Yet lack of proper background to evaluate his social status or community space, made them vary. For them his identity was extremely grey and they couldn't agree gamble away future of their niece along with their consent. However it didn't surprise them when Mehek refused to waver. They were well aware that Mehek can be really stubborn once she puts her mind on it. It was fruitless to forbid her however they remain rooted to their decision. Atharv was not the kind of groom they could approve.

Mehek was looking forward to join the club along with pursuing higher studies. Atharv was also doing well in his new job. They knew life will not be a path of roses as they had only each other to rely on. Eventually Mehek and Atharv got married in a simple ceremony amidst their friends. The newly-weds could only invite their friends for a simple dinner after the ceremony. Their friends were really supportive and most of them proposed toasts for their bright future.

"So where are you going for honeymoon?",one of them asked. Mehek knew going on a trip will be a blow to their humble budget. "I don't think it will possible for me to take leave from sports club as soon as I join. So we will be thinking about it later", she replied quickly. Her friends looked at one another, smiling meaningfully. "Ta-da", then suddenly Sonal pulled out an envelope, "Surprise, tickets for you both". Mehek read the contents and gave it to Atharv. His friends also peeped into it while he read it. She was overwhelmed by extravagant gesture from her friends still her pride forbid to accept, "Sonal, I can't". "You can and you will. This is your wedding present from all of us", she gestured to all her friends, "we will be offended if you don't take it"

"Sona, may be you should listen to Mehek", Aryan pitched in, "Besides, Atharv doesn't have a passport". "What?", all including the bride were surprised. "Such a lame excuse", Sonal scoffed at Aryan. She mistook that the groom party was envious of the gift from bride's friends. "Nowadays getting a passport is no big deal", she then turned to Mehek, "These tickets are open so you can plan dates later and finalise your trip". Aryan tried to reason but Atharva held him back, "Thanks Sonal and you all", he expressed his gratitude her friends, "we appreciate the the gesture"

Mehek was still skeptical but Atharv squeezed her palm beneath the table, "We will go in due time. Your friends know that you always wanted to visit the beaches", he recalled the destination from tickets, "It will be rude to decline their thoughtfulness". She nodded and accepted their gift. Sonal was delighted and threw a challenging look at Aryan, "Where is your gift?". "You need to drive a bit", Aryan reply haughtily.

The wedding party was standing before small house. "My family knows the house owner so I was able to negotiate a good deal for my newlywed friend", Aryan spoke proudly while side hugging Atharv. "Aryan you shouldn't have", Mehek was again feeling awkward to accept his benevolence. "Hold it before you say anything", Aryan warned her playfully, "I just negotiated a fair rent and made them agree not to demand any advance. Nothing else I have contributed". He then gave keys to the couple, "It's a safe neighbourhood. Both your workplaces are easily accessible", he then pointed to few houses away, "In fact my cousin also lives nearby so if you need any help they are available". "Thanks Buddy", Atharv fist bumped his friend. "Essential furnitures and some grocery are in the house already", Aryan explained, "but before the newly weds enter let's decorate their room". Not allowing Sonal to say anything, he grabbed her hands and rushed insider with all friends leaving Atharv and Mehek outside.

It took another couple of hours for their wedding party to end. Finally near midnight, their friends left, leaving them alone. Mehek and Atharv were dead tired but it was their wedding night. Both waited in anticipation for another to make a move. But none did, until Atharv blurted out, "can we just sleep today?". "Thank you so much", she sighed, " I am so famished". They smiled and went to room beautiful decorated by their friends. Both slept peacefully as soon as their heads hit the pillow. 

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