Chapter 15

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"What?", Mehek sneered at her bodyguard, "Are you going to barge into the fitting room? Eager to see me change?". He hesitated but didn't dare to misbehave with her. So he apologised while retrieving his steps, giving her enough space to walk into the trial room.

Mehek had stayed passive until now as the entire Khanna mansion was busy getting ready for the big event. Only few knew that the event was meant for her to be formally introduced to SK's world. Apart for few visits to designer boutique, she chose to remain cooped by in her room. She was showing her disdain to be part of anything his dark world demanded. 

Regular checkups by Dr. Sai kept her sane. Even when Shaurya tried to keep his promise to give her space, his barged in occasionally to ensure she is fine. His visits made her mad. She either lashed out at him or went entirely silent. Amidst the chaos, Dr. Sai became her only friend. 

From Sai, Mehek came to know that Shaurya believed that with time, they could work out their differences. While she was still unable to comprehend the idea of being with a criminal. She was adamant, keeping an eye out for an opportunity to escape.

And today was the day. Mehek popped out her head from the trial room, "Can you ask the designer lady to come and help me?". When the body guard remained unsure, she ordered, "I need help. Go rush. Dress is so tight and I am stuck in it", she acted out, "don't stand here glaring at my naked shoulder. Run and bring her to help me". He didn't think twice before rushing out.

It was difficult but Mehek managed to flee. From her earlier visits, she had memorised the apt exit route which will aid her escape. She ran around, panicking to be caught before she made to her destination. Finally she reached the nearest Police Station. 

"Please, help me", she managed to speak while panting, "I was kidnapped and held against my will". In few words, she explained her ordeal to the Inspector. "Have some water", the man offered her after listening to her, "your story doesn't seem to short than a fictional series". "But it is the truth", she chugged down the water. "Everyone knows about Khanna family and their business", he paused gauging her response, "they are powerful. Many rumours are around them however nothing has ever been proved. So they are clean before law. Unless a formal complain is reported I cannot take any actions.  Will you be ready to file a complaint against Shaurya Khanna for fraud and kidnapping?".

Mehek shook her head in denial. Despite her determination to getaway from Shaurya, she was scared and above all tired. She should have listened to others, accepting her fate silently rather than seeking justice for her husband. A husband who turned out to be an imposter, a criminal. If she had laid low,  then she would have not been pulled into his mess. "I don't want to file any complaint, Sir. I just need protection", she begged, "please help to live safely at my home". She knew that even if she manages to reach back home, it will be too easy for him to bring her back. 

"Don't go back to your home or contact your friends or family. Perhaps it will better if you hide for a while", inspector suggested considering her plight, "until situation boils down, please lay low". "I don't have anywhere else to go", she was helpless. "Until you file a complaint, I can't help you officially to provide protection", his words crushed her hope. Seeing her condition, he softened, "I won't force you. In fact it is wise not to rattle people like them. We all know how dangerous thye are. You are as young to be my daughter so I want to help you. Let me see". He excused himself to make few calls

"One of our lady officers had given birth and admitted in maternity hospital near by", Inspector suggested, "you can stay with her pretending as a her caregiver". Mehek readily agreed. "Don't talk to anyone here. We never know who will be their spy", she readily accepted his suggestion and remained quiet. In an hour, he made some excuse to leave his work and took her with him. "How shall I contact you? Do you have a phone with you?", he asked her. "I don't have one. They took it away", she replied sadly. He nodded as if expecting the same.

They reached the parking lot of the hospital. Mehek was about to get down from the vehicle when an expensive sedan arrived. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw Anjali in the vehicle. "I hope you understand your situation", she murmured, "come with me without making a scene". Mehek turned her gaze to the inspector who smiled and opened door for her to alight . "I wasn't invited for the party but glad that I could meet you", his spoke slyly. 

Anjali's men placed a hefty bundle of currency in his hands. "More than you would have imagined", Anjali spoke calmly referring to his bribe money. "She doesn't have any phone or asked for any particular offices to be contacted. Came straight to me requesting help. I refrained her from contacting anyone", he gave his report and Anjali seemed to be satisfied. "Happy to serve", with those words he drove away while Mehek was escorted into the sedan.

"You are supposed to lead us to victory but you cannot control even your woman", Anjali mocked Shaurya as he glared at Mehek. She wanted to act defiant but cowered under heat of his gaze. "What shall you tell your people today?", Anjali had no intension to stop, "mock ourselves because the star attraction of today's party wants to run away", then she sneered at Mehek, "you don't deserve to be the queen". "I never wanted it either", Mehek snapped at her, "it was him forcing me to stay. I already told him that I want to leave. He should have let me go avoiding embarrassment ". 

"As if you can ever leave", Anjali admonished her, "Are you just going to stand there and glare at her? ", she pointed her anger to Shaurya, "Atleast have the guts to admit that you cannot keep her in line". "Silence", Shaurya shouted at her, "One more word and I will forget that you are my father's daughter". Anjali smirked but in truth she feared him. "Take her down and lock her in the basement", he ordered his men.

"Sir...", Shaurya's men were aghast. They were baffled whether he meant his sister or his wife. Also whether he actually meant to take the person to the place where their enemies are tortured to the worst. "Take my wife to the basement", their king made it clear, "keep her their until I decide a befitting punishment for her mistake". "How will you handle today's event if she is locked up?", Anjali again opened her mouth. "Doubt me once again and you will also be thrown along with her", he warned her. He then turned to Mehek who still stood confidently defying his authority, "you shouldn't have crossed the line, Mehek. Now you have to face the consequences".

Mehek shivered as she tried to squeeze into the corner. She was locked in a cell in the basement. She gulped down trying to absorb her surroundings. Her eyes have gotten used to the dim light. Smell of disinfectant prevailed, making the place even more eerie. She rubbed her arms to warm herself. It wasn't temperature but fear that made her cold. "This place is sound proof. No sound comes in or goes out , else you would already known the party has begun. It will take longer for party it end. Plenty of time to kill until then", the elderly guard posted outside her cell spoke, "You can talk to me if you want". "What is this place used for?", she asked. "Keep the captives. Then torture them for information and dispose them once they are no longer needed", he replied nonchalantly, "We cleaned it recently. Else it was pretty much blood everywhere". Fear crawled over her. "Although disobedience is always punished, you still their family. I would advise you apologise so that it will be lenient punishment". Even being fearful she was not ready to give up. She wondered about the secrets hidden in the elegant mansion above her.

Meanwhile in the mansion. Shaurya walked towards his guests, drawing their attention. "I want to thank all of you for attending the party tonight", he spoke to the crowd, "today's party is kept in honour of an important person", then he lifted his glass and announced, "please welcome, my dear father". Guest applauded while Anjali wheeled Harish Khanna to the center. "Even after the dreadful attack from the enemy, he is hale and healthy. No one can touch him until I am alive. Today's party is a celebration for us but a warning to those who wants to harm my father".

 "Enough with the words, my son", Harish spoke happily, "let then enjoy the night". His smile beamed as he remained between his children while his eyes seemed to be searching for someone.  

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