Chapter 9

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Mehek groaned in pain as she slowly gained consciousness. She looked around to find herself in an opulent room. The bed beneath her, was softest she had ever laid. A soft yet warm duvet that matched pastel color theme of the room was covering . Her surroundings screamed of luxury. In any other situation, she would have been excited but the sudden pain on her neck brought her back to reality. 

Where was she? How long she was knocked out? Above all what did they do to her? None of her possessions even her watch was missing. Her cloths were intact, giving her solace that she was not violated. Not yet. She was still unsure about her kidnappers intention. Before Aryan or his goons arrive, she needs to escape. The door was ajar so she cautiously rushed out.

It was not short of a palace. She had a tough time to walk around to find her way out as she still felt dizzy. In between she came across few staff who worked there, however apart from a respectful curt none stopped her. Perhaps it will be easier if she asked them way to exit but she was too afraid to take risk. Finally she found the huge door befitting the entrance of the mansion. 

As she trotted towards it, eyes of guards caught sight of her. "Ma'am, do you need anything?", one of the guards who were dressed impeccably in their uniform asked her politely. Despite their attitude, she was not at ease. They will capture her any moment. "Are you lost, Ma'am?", another one offered help, startling her. She was quick to turn on her heels and run away from them.

"Ma'am, please wait", Mehek could hear them behind her. In panic, she ran faster from them while getting lost in the corridors. Indeed the mansion was a maze. She was involuntarily rushed to a room from where soft music of piano emanated. Guards were no longer tailing her. To her luck, the room even had a exit door. She could clearly see the garden, lead through the door. In her desperate attempt to escape, she disregarded the man who was behind the piano. His back was turned to her while effortlessly playing the musical notes on the keys. She would have succeeded to reach the door if not for the wall next to her. Her steps faltered as she gazed at the wall in disbelief.

The wall was adorned with her portraits. Photographs taken from various timelines, while she was dating Arthav, during their wedding, time spend at the resort and many more. While she was lost in thoughts, she heard footsteps behind her. She froze in fear, realising that perhaps her only chance of escape was lost. She held her breath, without daring to turn around. "Mehek", he called from behind. His voice along with close proximity was enough to break her apprehensions. She quickly turned back to face him.

Am I hallucinating? Is it effect of the drug injected? Or Am I dead too? Mehek was in trance while he slowly took steps towards him. It was indeed him. He had grown thick moustache and beard. Clad in a well cut three piece dark suit, he looked far from what she had perceived about him. He stood before her in flesh and blood but he was not her Atharv anymore. She was too overwhelmed to move or even utter a word. "It's me, Mehek", he softly caressed her swollen cheek. Her body gave in to the familiar touch as she leaned onto to his palm but flinched back immediately. 

Mehek walked back until she collided with wall behind. Sensing her fear, he maintained distance from her. Panic surged into her. It became difficult for her to breath.Soon black spots covered her vision, she became limp, letting gravity do the rest of the job pulling her down. Before she could crash hard, she was scooped into his strong arms.

"She needs complete rest", the doctor attending Mehek gave an expected verdict, "she is anaemic and her blood pressure is not normal", while writing down some medicine she added, "keep her on fluids and healthy diet". Aryan nodded taking prescription from her hands. "Don't worry", she told Aryan but her words were meant for the another man in the room, "even if it is side effects of sedative you gave her, it will wear off in some time". Then she deliberately cleared her throat as if gather attention from him, "It will be better if she is kept away from anyone who gives her stress". Aryan has already told her about Mehek's health conditions. "Once she recovers, bring her to my clinic. We will run a thorough health check on her. "Thanks Doctor", Aryan replied gratefully.

Doctor looked on to Shaurya who sitting beside her patient. She had been their family doctor since her youth. She had seen rise and fall of many women in life the mafia family. But not even once she had seen any man in the family who truly cared for them. His feeling for his woman made her concerned. Still it was not her place to comment. She was paid enough to discreetly treat them, often for bullet wounds and at times a plain death certificate. With time, she had gotten used to it. However Tragedy of Karuna Khanna, Shaurya's mother was something she could never forget. She hoped the young lady won't become a predecessor of late Madam. "call me if you need me", with those days, she took her leave. Once the doctor left, Aryan asked their staff to get medicines and some prepare food for Mehek as per diet plan.

"Shaurya", Aryan softly kept his palm on his friend's shoulder, "she will be fine. You knew it will be a blow for her. Give her sometime". When those eyes rose to meet him, it was not amicable but brimmed with disappointment of a boss. Aryan knew he had failed as a guard and as a friend. He looked onto the fragile figure lying unconscious on the bed. She didn't deserve any of the misery that came on to her, neither did his friend. If only Shaurya listened to him when he had warned him. Shaurya getting involved with affairs of heart brought ill fate to both.

Aryan was orphaned when his father was killed protecting Shaurya's father. He was taken in to the mansion as a repayment but in truth he was planned to train to continue the legacy thereby protect next generation. He didn't mind because for generations his family had worked for Khanna family.It was utmost honour to serve the prince of Khanna family. From teens, he has been Shaurya's shadow. 

Shaurya Khanna, he was the crowned prince destined to take over the throne. He was supposed to lead a luxurious royal life but Aryan had never seen an unlucky soul as him. As if he carried a curse, he burned anything or anyone who came close to his heart. Recent proof lying lifelessly on the bed.  

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