Sneaking Into The Sewer/Dinner Time

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Entering the dark tunnel as the boys were whispering quietly, trying not to make any noise. Suddenly, the light turned on by the rat who was sitting in his chair and the boys jumped in fear, dropping the groceries onto the ground.

"Boys, where have you been? I've been freaking out!" Splinter said as he looked at his sons worriedly.

"We're sorry dad!" Leo apologized.

"It was a lot of traffic!" Donnie said nervously.

"It was a cat, you know that I'm scared of cats!" Mikey said.

"Yeah, the cats!" Raph said as they've tried to walk pass him, acting all innocent like nothing is wrong.

"Wait a second!" Splinter said suspiciously, the boys stopped and looked at him. "You said that you would go shopping, and come right back! Where were you?"

"Uh, um..." Donnie stuttered.

"Nothing happened!" Mikey said.

Leo started to have a frown on his face as he blurted everything out from the start since he didn't want to lie to his father.

"Look we're really sorry Splinter, some of the guys wanted to see a movie and I've tried to talk them out of it!" Leo said honestly.

"Leo!!" They've cried out.

"Are you serious?" Mikey asked.

"What? You've watched a movie with a human! Yuck!" Splinter said as the rat got grossed out by it, apparently he doesn't like humans that much.

"You ratted us out!" Mikey said as Donnie had his arms crossed, Raph had a mad look on his face.

"Hey! Don't use that word that way!" Splinter snapped at his youngest son.

"Sorry dad!" Mikey apologized.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, we just watched a movie and came back! We're fine!" Donnie said as the rat strokes his beard, walking towards his sons.

"Hmm! You forgot, huh? Why humans are disgusting creatures? Why they've want to milk us and drain our blood?" Splinter asked as the boys groaned in frustration.

"We don't even have nipples!" Raph said in anger.

"You know what? I'm gonna tell you the story again anyway!" Splinter said as the rat held up his paws in front of his sons.

"No!" Mikey cried out.

The rat told them the backstory, it started 15 years ago as splinter is a young rat trying to make some friends of his own; but some of the animals didn't like him and all the humans didn't like him either, throwing some stuff at the young rat. Until, he went down the sewers because it was pouring rain outside, he found four baby turtles covered in green ooze, but he decided to raise them by himself in the sewers. Walking around inside the tunnel as the boys wanted to go out in the human world since it didn't go to well for them. Splinter have been training them with using ninja skills, the boys grew up as they've become teenagers, splinter nodded proudly and smiled.

"I thought we needed the human world, but we only needed each other. That's why I'm so strict, you know? You boys are all I've got and all I'll ever have!" Splinter said as the boys were at the table and listening to their father.

"You don't know that..." Mikey said as he played with a ninja star with his finger, glancing up at his father.

"I do! You know other mutants my age, it's a really small pool... there's no app to meet other mutant ladies! Trust me, I check every day!" He said.

"Yeah, that's true!" Leo mummered.

"Look, I don't want to do this!" Splinter said as he put his hand on his forehead and continued. "But no leaving the sewers for one month!"

"Seriously!" Mikey said.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it! I've made up my mind!" Splinter said.

"This sucks!" Raph said angrily as the red mask turtle got up from the chair, going to his room.

"Raph, come on..." Leo said.

"Shut up Leo!" Raph said as he ignored him.

Mikey spoke up to his father. "Dad, why are you so against humans anyway? I think that humans are amazing!"

"Mikey, I don't want to hear another word about those disgusting humans! They are evil!" Splinter said in anger as Mikey started to talk back at him, it was the first time that Mikey ever talked back at his father.

"No, they're not!" Mikey snapped at him, he got up from his seat and went to his room.

"Mikey!" Leo cried out as Donnie crossed his arms and mumbled him.

"Was it worth it Mr Leader?" Donnie asked quietly as Leo looked at his dad and went to his room.

Getting back home from the ice rink, Riley went upstairs to her room, threw her duffle bag to the ground as the teenage girl sat down on her bed.

"Riley dinner is ready!" Mom called out.

"Coming mom!" Riley said as she went downstairs, meeting her parents at the dinner table.

"It's your favorite, enchiladas with extra cheese and buffalo sauce, just the way you like it." Dad said as he gives her a plate and Riley smiled.

"Thanks dad!" Riley replied.

"So, how's practicing at the ice rink?" Mom asked as she took a bite out of her enchiladas.

"It was really great mom, but I've started to struggle with it a little bit." Riley answered gently.

"You'll get the hang of it soon!" Mom said.

Riley nodded and they've continued to have dinner at the table, but she didn't want to ask her parents if she ever falls in love with someone her age since she's a teenager already.

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