Three bosses

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May, Daisy, and Parker were the most popular girls in school

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May, Daisy, and Parker were the most popular girls in school. They were known as the 'Triple Threat' and were adored by everyone. They were fashionable, smart, and talented. They were also the leaders of many school clubs and were always the center of attention.

One day, their school announced a field trip to an amusement park and everyone was excited. The three girls were especially thrilled because they loved all the adrenaline-pumping rides. As soon as they arrived at the park, their classmates flocked to them, asking for pictures and autographs.

'Wow, it's like we're celebrities!' exclaimed May, as she posed for a selfie with a group of girls.

'I know, right? We should start charging for autographs!' added Daisy, laughing.

Parker, the most level-headed of the three, rolled her eyes playfully. She loved her friends and their popularity, but sometimes she wished they could just be normal students without all the attention.

As they walked around the park, their classmates treated them like royalty. When it was time for the group to go on a roller coaster ride, the girls were led to the front of the line by their classmates, who insisted they go first.

'Are you sure you don't want to go ahead of us?' Parker asked, feeling a little guilty.

'Of course not, you're the popular Triple Threat. It's only right that you go first,' replied one of their classmates.

With a shrug, the girls eagerly got on the roller coaster. As soon as the ride started, they screamed and laughed as they were thrown upside down, looped and turned. It was the most exhilarating experience they had ever had.

As they got off the ride, their classmates cheered for them and the girls felt like the coolest girls in the world.

'Can we go again?' asked Daisy, feeling a rush of adrenaline.

'Definitely!' replied May, and they dragged Parker back to the line.

The rest of the day went by in a blur, with the girls going on every ride they could. They even won a few stuffed animals at the game booths. But what made the day even more special was that they got to bond with their classmates, who usually saw them as untouchable.

'So, what do you guys like to do besides being popular?' asked one of the girls, as they all sat down for lunch.

The girls were so used to talking about their popularity and activities that they were taken aback by the question. But it was a refreshing change. They chatted and laughed with their classmates, and even exchanged numbers, promising to hang out more often.

As they all boarded the bus back home, the girls couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing day they had. They realized that popularity wasn't everything and that true friends were more valuable than any social status.

'Today was amazing, thanks for being you guys,' said Parker, hugging her friends.

'Thank you, Parker. And for the record, you're the real Triple Threat,' replied May, grinning.

And so, the girls made a pact to always make time for their classmates, and not just for their popularity. From that day on, they became even more loved for their down-to-earth personalities, and the 'Triple Threat' became known as the popular and kind-hearted girls who can bring joy to anyone's day.

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