Chapter Two

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Everyone was there. First I saw Coris Blaze. He wore a long orange floor-length coat, black elegant vest with black dress pants. That was his style most of the time

His hair was ginger just like his sister's Katalinas.

He was chatting with everyone. While holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

It almost seemed like he was flirting with a lot of the women.

But most of the time I saw him talking with Kat.

Then I saw my cousin. Istenia.

Brown curly hair. She had this scary look in her eyes. Like sometimes she would seem like she'd want to kill you.

She most of the time wore a black midi-length coat. It had buttons to keep it in place. The bottom was like a dress. Just not all the way to the ground. It was all the way to her knees.

It was a beautiful dress.

And the reason she wore the color black is because she is one of the crows. Just like me.

She made some conversation but was mostly drawing in her sketchbook.

And of course Zili. Istenia's crow. Like always he was bickering with Scar. But I left them to it.

I went to chill with Istenia. She was drawing in her sketchbook.


"Hey Shaf."

"Whatcha doin'?"

"Dancing... I'm sitting next to you, what do you think?" She said in a calm tone.

"Drawing." I replied.

I took a minute to think of what to say. "How are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm good, did you get any assignments?"

"Not really, you?"

"I might get a bonus."

"That's cool."

As we were speaking this whole time she was drawing. She seemed not very interested in a conversation with me.

"Well, I'll leave you to draw your drawings."

I got up.

I went to the upstairs area. Grabbed a black wine. And then I went over to a secluded area.

I don't think anyone else has discovered this area. No one comes here generally.

It's just a balcony. It has vines all over it. I touched the balcony with my right hand. Held my wine in my left hand. I drank sips of it.

I began to think about everything that went on.

My mother's death from a month ago still bothers me somewhat. Her name was Gillette Crows. She lived a long life. She taught me a lot.

Even though she wasn't the best mother. She still was my mom. And I loved her. With all of my heart. No matter what she did.

As I reminisced more about her. My glass slipped out of my hand. It fell three stories. I saw the wine glass and wine splatter all over the ground. That got me back to the present moment.

"Shaf?" I heard someone say.

I turned around. It was Coris.

"What are you doing?" He said smiling.

"I just wanted to be alone."

"Let's take a walk together. Alright?"

"Okay," I said.

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