Chapter Four

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I sat down on the metal bench. I went on to change my vision. For me to control Scar I had to make my vision blurry, and then put my hands over my eyes. Cause then my black veins would help me connect to Scar.

I tried doing it. I never was that good with it.

Took me two tries. But I did it.

As I controlled Scar, I had binocular vision. I also began to see much more colors.

In a long time. As I was in Scars body I felt... free. There was this catharsis with controlling Scar.

It felt like I had been bottling up emotions since my mother died. This was my way of releasing them.

I soared through the skies and watched the group move on the ground.

Eventually, the group got to the museum.

They walked in it.

I began to make a distraction. I made signs fall, annoyed people and did anything I could.

Guards walked out. They were trying to shoot me down. But I was as good at evading bullets as Scar. I practiced it a lot.

Then I remember seeing the group walk out. They had Rea in hand

I began to fly back to myself.

I came back to my usual self. Eris was sitting still next to me."Your eyes were white. I figured you were using Scar."

"Wow, good vocabulary Eris."

"That's what reading a lot of books will do!"

She got up and began to stretch.


"Huh?" I turned myself in her direction.

"Watch me do a cartwheel."

She did one... perfectly.

"Can you do a roundoff?" I asked.

She did a round-off.

"That's how far my knowledge goes," I stated.

"You liked my round-off?"


"I need to do more. Watch me do them."


She did so much. It made me happy to see her move so much and just be a kid. I wish I had a chance to do that. It made me... smile.

As Eris was moving a lot I saw Scar come my way and then sit on the roof. The group must have come back.

"Eris I must get on going," I said. I went downstairs. Scar followed me.

I got downstairs. I didn't see them. So I went to the basement. I took a lamp with me.

I waited for a little bit. But then I saw them. They used the catacombs. I helped them get out of them.

I gave them some time to get a break.

But then later we went on to celebrate. We drank a lot. Coris and Istenia told me more about how they stole Rea. They had to use the catacombs to get away. And they were stuck in them for hours.

We drank some more. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. I loved it.

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