Chapter 13 - Stay

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After traveling for two days we arrived in Ishatel.

I walked into the main hall. So royal. So Victorian. There was a white couch and white armchair by the fireplace. On the white armchair sat Coris. On the couch sat Istenia, Eris, and Katalina. They all were talking.

Coris looked at me.

"She's back!" He said smiling.

"Yay!" Eris commented.

Kat turned around. Her jaw dropped. Then she ran up to me and hugged me.

As she hugged me she said, "I missed you so much crowy."

She hasn't called me that name in years.

She stopped hugging me. Then she just looked at me. So much joy was in her eyes.

"How are you?... And answer for once."

"I'm well... you look better." I smiled.

"I am better." She giggled.

Istenia began to speak as she looked at the fireplace.

"They are still looking for you. In Telin at least."

Istenia slowly got up and walked over to me.

"They might come to Ishatel. And they will kill you."

"Not if I protect myself first."

"It's highly skilled bounty hunters," Istenia said.

"It's unlikely they will get here."

"Hopefully you won't meet one."

Days passed. I kept on going back and forth between the Crow Palace and Ishatel.

It lies on a hilltop. South of the forest.

It looked more like a castle with its high towers. Yet it seemed abandoned.

When you would walk in you would see the tree of darkness.

It was almost similar to the bloody tree.

Then on the right was the throne room and on the right was the kitchen.

Everywhere you looked were shades of black.

Upstairs were sleeping quarters. There were so many of them.

I looked through everywhere. I got to find out about my siblings. But most of them were dead except Visha.

I also explored Dad's and Mothers quarters.

But one day as I was traveling back to the Palace I met someone.

It was in the middle of the fields.

Their name is unknown. But they go by The Brave. She's one of the best bounty hunters in this country.

She was muscular like an ox. Her hair was braided into two blonde braids. She wore the armor of a soldier.

When I saw her she stood in the middle of the fields.

I was on my black horse.

I got off it.

She took off her helmet and the armor around her arms.

"Shafija Crows."

"The Brave."

She threw a sword to my feet.

I guess she must have wanted a fair fight.

We took our blades and began to fight.

Lady of CrowsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant