Chapter 8: Scarecrow

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Jonathan Crane awoke with a feeling of dread on the morning of his next birthday. He lay staring up at the ceiling as anxiety churned in his gut, contemplating the day ahead.

After last year's mortifying surprise involving a whipped cream pie, he had ensured strict new security protocols were in place. Joker, Harley Quinn and the other rogues responsible for the cruel prank had been put under intense solitary confinement and monitoring.

Even so, Jonathan still couldn't help the nagging sense of anticipation and worry. There was no telling what sort of new humiliating pranks someone might try, regardless of the increased precautions.

Glancing at the clock, Jonathan realized he had no choice but to face the day. With a heavy sigh, he threw back the thin sheets and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, bracing himself for whatever the day might bring.

Upon arriving at Arkham, Jonathan headed straight for his office with cautious, hurried steps. He kept his eyes peeled for any telltale signs of an impending birthday "celebration" - balloons strewn across the hallway, streamers dangling from the ceiling, or suspicious giggling from his coworkers.

When he finally reached his office without incident, Jonathan allowed himself a momentary sigh of relief. But he knew better than to let his guard down.

As the morning dragged on, he found it impossible to focus on his work. He couldn't stop picturing his colleagues plotting behind his back. Every sound in the hallway heightened his anxiety.

Jonathan decided to step out of his office for a moment, hoping a break might calm his rattled nerves. As he locked his office door, he peered warily down the long Arkham hallway. Seeing no one, he cautiously proceeded toward the staff lounge for a cup of coffee.

His shoes echoed sharply against the cold linoleum floors. Jonathan winced at the sound, feeling as if he had just announced his presence to any scheming co-workers in the vicinity.

Just as he reached for the lounge doorknob, he heard a friendly voice call out his name. "Dr. Crane!"

Jonathan jumped, whipping around to see Dr. Joan Leland approaching with a wave and a warm smile.

She gave him a bemused look. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you! Just wanted to let you know there's a staff meeting in five minutes in the second-floor conference room."

Jonathan's eyes narrowed in suspicion. A "staff meeting" sounded exactly like the kind of excuse Leland would use to lure him into an unwanted party situation. He decided to try calling her bluff.

"I'm quite busy at the moment. Please provide my regrets for missing this meeting," he said coolly.

Leland raised an eyebrow. "It's mandatory, I'm afraid. Dr. Arkham will be discussing some important policy changes."

Jonathan suppressed a scowl. That sounded plausible enough. Maybe he was just being paranoid. Reluctantly, he changed course and headed upstairs.

Upon reaching the conference room, he paused outside the closed door, straining his ears. No noise came from within. Cautiously, he eased the door open and peeked inside. Just a standard meeting room scene - staff members seated around a long table, papers, and notepads in front of them. No balloons or banners in sight.

Jonathan slid into an empty chair, muscles tense, ready to flee at the slightest hint of birthday shenanigans. But the meeting proceeded normally, true to Leland's word. After forty-five tedious minutes, they were dismissed.

Jonathan lingered in his seat, peering suspiciously around. "No cake? No birthday song?" he asked dryly.

Leland looked at him questionably. "Why on earth would there be cake or singing at a staff meeting?"

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