Of Death and Life

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I could feel myself slipping. Cold air was forcing its way into my aching lungs. My head hurts. I didn't know what was happening. Something warm oozed its way down my body. I tried to feel what was going on but my arms were pinned down at odd angles and my body had gone numb. Red and blue lights flashed distantly, but I barely registered it. A car had pulled up next to me and my brother jumped out. He ran over and called to me but I couldn't hear him. I was just so tired...

Suddenly a light brought me back to my senses. I pushed out of the darkness, my body no longer as weak as it had felt not moments before. 

"Jaime! I'm fine! I'm here! What's going o--" but he wasn't listening. None of the black clothed people were. My blood froze. "Jaime?" I say hesitantly, attempting to touch his face. My hands pass right through him. 

I cover my mouth in horror, and whip myself around only to fall to the ground crying in front of my own headstone.

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