Santa's Workshop

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The North Pole, I found, is positively freezing. This should have been obvious, seeing as the temperatures there are 33-36 degrees Fahrenheit (0-2 degrees Celsius) in the summer. I guess I figured the literal fire in me would have warmed me up better than it was and that the Southern wind would have stayed warm 'cause, you know, teenage logic. Frost had started creeping over my eyebrows and hair and I shivered, trying to get warm.

A large cabin castle appeared in front of me and I gasped, taking it in. The wooden exterior was covered in ice and snow. Icicles gripped every overhang they could find and falling flakes swirled around it in an icy wind. The windows were all frosted over, though I could see a warm light flickering inside like fire.

I flew faster, eager to get inside and be warm. Except the only entrance was guarded by two hulking yetis. I let out a huge groan and mentally punched Jack in the face. Of course he would trick me into getting beat up by yetis. Unfortunately, they noticed me. But instead of feverishly trying to chase me away, they waved me over and opened the giant, ice covered doors. Hesitantly, I touched down and walked inside.

The grand entrance was lit with hundreds of lanterns that spilled out into the open room with North's giant globe, lit up with millions of tiny lights. North voice boomed from a balcony three or four levels above me. "Welcome to our own Mother Nature." I flew up to his voice and touched down, determined not to be intimidated by the 5 Guardians standing in front of me.

"What do you want with me? I have things to do and my raccoon isn't very happy I left him in a park."

"Well then, we'll get straight to business." North said with a huge sigh. "Something's happened to Manny. We're not quite sure what but he hasn't been able to get clear communications through."

My eyes widen. "Manny talks to you?"

"Yes, but that isn't the point." Bunny said, slightly annoyed. "The point is, he's stopped and we're worried."

"Welcome to my world." I said sarcastically turning away from them. I liked the Guardians (except Jack of course), they were nice enough. Unfortunately, they'd never had to feel my pain of being left in the dark to figure out what the heck your new purpose was in life (except Jack but we don't talk about that).

Sandy came up and tugged on my pants and then flashed a moon, a skull, and an I'm-so-sad-I'm-drowning-in-tears face.

I looked at him stunned, then up at the rest. "He's dead?"

"We're not sure but that is what we suspect."

Tooth wiped a tear from one of her eyes.

"Well... I'm sorry for you guys and all but why drag me into this? I mean, I've only been 'Mother Nature' for like 5 months. I can't be that helpful."

"Your name was the last thing he said to us." Bunny said solemnly.

I sighed. "Well in that case, we have some work to do. Do you know anything else about what's happening?"

"There have been some strange happenings with the other spirits. I know Manny doesn't really communicate with you guys, but they've started to notice something's up. Tensions among us have never been higher."

"Huh." Was all I could say. I'd never met any of the other spirits except for the guardians so I couldn't exactly say that I'd seen the same things. Although, now that North said something about it, I had been feeling pretty angsty lately and Rascal's been a little off as well.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Keep an eye out on things. Tell us if there's anything you find suspicious. We're not really sure who or even what we're up against so anything that can help us figure that out is gold."

"It's not Pitch again, is it?"

"No." Jack cut in forcefully. "This is different. Pitch was quick to make sure we knew it was him. Who or whatever this is, they're taking their time. Keeping us on our toes. Pitch doesn't work like that."

"'Kay. Well, looks like I have some investigating to do. I'll be back with my report in a week."

"Thank you, Nature. I'm sorry you were dragged into this."

"It's fine." I call another Southern Wind to take me back, and to maybe provide some much needed warmth. Unfortunately, Jack Frost followed me out.

"So, how'd you know about Pitch?"

I stopped dead. "I was there. Don't you remember?"

"Umm... ya, no. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered if you'd been there with us. Besides, didn't you die like, I don't know, five months ago?"

I winced.

"Sorry. Shouldn't have said it like that." He said, sighing.

I looked at him curiously. "Jack, I was Jaime's sister. I was there as a kid at the battle with Pitch."

Jack's eyes widened. "Are you actually serious?!" He ran a hand through his hair still trying to comprehend what I just said.

I rolled my eyes and flew off, ignoring the tear that rolled down my face and fell into the freezing waters of the Arctic Ocean. 

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