5 months later

28 2 0

My feet carve frail trails in the trembling grass as I walk through a park near my old home. My old life. A lot has changed since the wreck. Jaime has graduated high school and has moved out to Chicago to study creative writing of all things. My younger sister Sofie has graduated from middle school and is dead set on becoming a famous singer. And me? I sigh and look up to the moon wondering why he chose me of all dead people to become flippin' Mother Nature. Stuck forever at the tender age of (Your age).

--------I like to keep my writing applicable to whoever's reading it so Skylar will just be your same age in this story :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A chilly breeze brushes past your face and you roll your eyes hugely. 

"You just couldn't stay away for long could you." I say as I glare at the person standing on the roof closest to me.

Jack Frost chuckled, "You have to learn at some point Nature that you can't contain the embodiment of Winter and Fun!"

"Then go bother someone else tonight. I'm sure Bunny would love it if you paid him a visit." I paused, then smiled mischievously. "Idea! Why don't I just call him here and save you the trouble of finding the Warren yourself."

He was gone before I could say another word. I laughed and continued strolling through the park. Jack Frost was definitely not someone I would ever call friend, but he knew me well enough to know I would always carry out my threats. 

A fuzzy blob rammed its head into my leg and chittered in annoyance at me

"Yes, silly. I know you're hungry. We'll get you food eventually." 

My raccoon sidekick, Rascal, glared up at me. 

"You really want to go do this the fast way?" I asked him incredulously. He scampered up to the top of my head in response. 

"All right, but don't tell me you had no choice." 

I willed the warm air currents to lift us high into the sky and then rocketed toward Rascal's favorite pond. He squealed in alarm and clawed at my hair, desperately trying to keep hold of me. I laughed and willed the air to push us faster to which Rascal only dug deeper with his paws. When we finally landed, Rascal dove to the ground and pressed his snout to the dirt repeatedly as though he was kissing it. I laughed at his little antics and sat on the ground next to him. He glared at me, then ran to the water to catch whatever tiny minnows he could find. I called up some grass and laid on my back to face the dark cloudless sky. Manny continued on his lonely path through the sky, his light dimmer than what I was used to because of the lamppost not too far behind me. I wondered what he looked like. None of the Guardians could tell me. He hadn't visited Earth since before most of the spirits were alive. A shiver in the leaves behind me interrupted my thoughts and I groaned. 

"Frost if I have to threaten you with a visit from Bunny again I swear-- Oh. Hi Sandy." The glare melted off my face immediately. 

He looked at me questioningly and flashes a snowflake, a rabbit, and a question mark over his head. 

"Oh, well... since Bunny and Jack don't like each other and Bunny's one of my best friends, I sometimes threaten him that I'm going to get Bunny if he doesn't go bother somebody else."

Sandy bursts out in silent laughter and pretends to wipe tears from his eyes. He gives me a thumbs up which I take to mean that he thinks it's a great idea and I should definitely keep doing it. 

"So what's going on in your part of the world?" I ask him. He shrugs and flashes a bored looking emoji face. "Same here." I'd showed him emojis on other people's phones the best I could seeing as I no longer had one myself and he quickly adopted them into his regular vocabulary. 

We stared in silence up at the sky until color bled back into it and we could no longer see the stars. Rascal had fallen asleep on my lap and I scratched behind his ears mindlessly. "Well, see ya tomorrow Sandy!" He waved as he floated back into the sky on a cloud of golden sand. 

I start my day with the usual waking of the little flowers who were having a hard time waking up this morning. "Good morning little guys!" I said to them in my head. Some of them stretched, others grumbled and then opened after I sent a small trickle of warmth their way. It was always funny to hear. I led warm breezes down through the town announcing the coming of summer. I noticed Sofie with mom out shopping and wind-ruffled her hair like I used to when she was little. She looked up, desperately trying to smooth it out before anyone she knew saw. I chuckled and continued on. 

A cool breeze brushed my cheeks again and I sighed. "Jack, it's the beginning of summer. You must respect the seasons."

"You're assuming I just came to annoy you. That's not fair." He pouted. 

I roll my eyes, "You're always here to annoy me Jack. You could leave now or I could tell the North wind to drop you right now. Your choice." 

"Ok, ok, ok. Fine, I'll leave you alone today. However, I'm actually here because North's calling a meeting and he wants you there." 

I stop, hovering in the air. "I'm not a guardian though. Why would he want me there?"

Jack shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just the messenger." And with that he was gone.

I sigh. There goes Jack Frost. Just as helpful as he usually is. Still. The North Pole? Curiosity took over me and I left to see what North wanted.

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