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It had been three days since the meeting at the North Pole, and I hadn't found any leads on what was going on. None of the other spirits I had visited had anything useful to say and I wasn't sure whether or not I should say something about it to the Guardians seeing as I'd never really interacted with any of the spirits before.

Jack had tried to talk to me a few times but I think he's given up now cause I just keep leaving before he can get too much out of his mouth. It's rude, I know. But I don't want to talk about it. Especially if he brings up Jamie. My death's effects on my brother are something I think about every day and even though I desperately want him to see me and know I'm there, that would be selfish and more painful seeing as I couldn't age with him anymore.


I fly immediately, but Jack decides to actually chase me this time.

"Stop flying off! I just want to talk to you."

I spin around. "You know, I could tell the North Wind to drop you. It wouldn't like me very much but it would still do it."

Jack hesitated. I smirked and flew off again. I needed to see one more spirit before I gave my report and Jack was not going to distract me from it.

"Where are you even going?" Jack shouts, still following me.

This guy does not know when to quit. Slowly, I turn around to face him. "What do you want?"

"I just want to talk about what you said at the North Pole. How can I not remember you?"

"I'm not the Guardian or Spirit of Memory. That's Tooth. You should go talk to her." I was getting impatient.

"But you're really Jamie's sister?"

"Was." I whispered softly. "I'm not really anymore."

Jack looked at me confused.

I sighed. "Well of course you wouldn't understand. You lost your memories when you became a spirit and didn't even know you had a sister until Pitch happened."

Jack winced. "I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes and flew off. At this point I didn't care if Jack followed me. I had to see Jamie. We flew straight to his dorm in Chicago. Rascal chittered at me, trying to remind me of my mission but I reminded him about the lovely trash that was waiting for him when we got to Jamie's apartment complex. He thought about it for a second and then started eagerly bouncing on my head.

I left Rascal with the trash, reminding him not to touch Jamie's then flew up to his balcony. He was sitting at the table, homework spread out before him, trying to concentrate as his roommates goofed off around him. I chuckled and then prompted the South Wind to blow open the window. Papers scattered all over the floor and Jamie rushed desperately to pick them all up before coming over to shut the window.

He stared past me at the moon and whispered, "Manny, I know you're the Guardian of Spirits. If my sister is out there somewhere, please keep her safe. I know it's been a little while since she…" he trailed off and started to cry.

"Don't worry, I'm right here." I tried to wipe his tears away but my hands passed right through. I sucked in air and stifled my tears. A whoosh sounded behind him and I heard Jack gasp. Jamie suddenly looked more alert.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" We said together. Jamie more curious, myself more angry.

"Just coming to check on you."

"I'm fine." Jamie said, unconvincingly.

"Keep talking to him. He's not okay." Was all I said.

"You sure? You don't look ok."

"It's my sister. I'm worried about her."

"I've checked on Sophie. She seems fine."

"I know, but I wasn't talking about her. Skylar is the one I'm worried about. I know she's... gone. I just don't know where she is. We were really close before..." he stopped and tears gathered at the corners of his eyes again only this time, he kept them in.

Jack looked at me. "He doesn't know?" He mouthed.

I shook my head, took a last glance at Jamie and left. I had to keep to my mission. The last spirit would definitely be the most dangerous and I shouldn't have made myself so vulnerable. I shook my head at myself. What was I thinking?

I stopped on a tree branch to recollect my thoughts and hopefully calm down.

You're fine. Calm down. You can't get any information out of him if you're like this. I rubbed my temples in an attempt to push down my thoughts of Jamie and Jack.

Taking a few deep breaths, I finally calmed my nerves enough to keep going. I flew from branch to branch until I stopped at the hole I was seeking, a few scraps of wood still visible though they were decayed almost beyond recognition. Steeling myself, I jumped down the forgotten passage and slid, landed crouched and alert.

"Pitch, I know you're here. Come out, come out wherever you are." I say in a singsong voice that quenches the rest of my unease.

A shadow ripples, then Pitch steps forward.

"Mother Nature herself in the spirit. How may I be of service." Pitch bows sarcastically.

"Manny is dying and I thought you might know something of what's going on."

Pitch's eyebrows raised in incredulous surprise. "I'm not involved if that's what you're asking."

"No, I didn't ask that and from what I've heard you haven't left your hole in awhile so I didn't expect anything from you. No, I just thought someone who had already tried to get rid of the Guardians might know someone else who would also have ill intentions toward them."

Pitch opened his mouth and closed it again. "I may know of a certain someone who may just be who's causing you trouble and I will tell you...on one condition."

I roll my eyes. "Go on."

"You must bring me to the Guardians so I can tell you all in person."

"Nope, sorry. Not happening. Bye!" I turn around and start going back up the hole. This was definitely the easiest way to deal with this particular devil.

He fumbled with his words for a second before recovering and saying, "Fine, fine, fine. How about you bring them all here so that I can tell you all at the same time."

I rolled my eyes and kept going up.

"How about bringing just Jack Frost." He stated.

"Deal." I quickly dropped down, shook his hand and left..

I told the wind to take me to Jack and zipped back to where I had come from. I stopped before I reached Jamie's window and stared at the scene before me.

Jack turned from his talk with my brother to face me.

"What's up?" He questioned.

Jamie looked up at him confused. "Who are you talking to?"

"One of my friends. Now sush, something's going on."

One of his friends huh? I thought to myself, very much amused.

"I may have a lead, but the only way I can get the information is if I bring you with me."


"I know, it seems really sketchy but it was the best deal I could get."

"You sure it's one of your friends? I didn't seem to think you had any of those." Jamie smirked.

Jack glared at him and I chuckled. "Let's go."

With that, me and Jack flew off. 

The Moon Told Me So...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें