Chapter 1

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I feel a stinging pain in my stomach, then I hear the laughter of the girls as they jump on me and start punching me as if I was a punching bag. The harsh words they spit at me make me feel worse. Then one named Anna says,
" It's time to wake up you little piece of trash.", "Good morning to you to Anna." I say sarcastically. I roll out of bed and into one of the stalls of the bathroom and when I say one its actually the only one.

I should tell you about myself. I'm 16 and my name is Summer Truman. I have long wavy brown hair and blue eyes. My mom died in a fire, when I was six, that was caused by my dad. He committed suicide when I was 10. I have a 30 year old brother named Austin. He was the cause of all this. He was the one that lighted the match. He's the one who kept reminding my dad about my mom. He's the one who abandoned me. He's the one who put me in this horrible group home. He's the one who started the rumors and the bullying. Austin is the one who ruined my life. All this time I thought that he was the guy that was supposed to watch my back and protect me and all he did was hurt me.

As get I changed into my huge Chicago Bulls sweatshirt I totally forget that my friend, Tyler Greyman, is picking me up for school today. So I throw on some leggings, put my long hair into a high ponytail with a red bow, wing out my eyeliner and throw on some mascara. Then I run into the main room and grab my phone and start texting her.

(S=Summer, T= Tyler)

S: Hey u out there?

T: Yea, been here for hours ;)

S: O shut up I'll been there in a few.

After that I grab my bag and sprint into the lobby. Once I'm close to the door I feel someone grab my wrist tightly. I cringe because it gives me memories of when Austin would threaten me and when he would slap me. I have a everlasting bruise on that same wrist. My eyes are closed shut when I turn around. The large woman orders me to open my eyes. I do as she says. I breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of the manager staring deep into my eyes. She asks, " Where you off to in such a hurry?" I try to gather words together but all I say is, " School, can you please let me go I'm gonna be late." She then takes my bag and looks inside of it and in the pockets. She then gives the bag back to me with a sigh. I then smile and run out the front doors and into the freezing cold wind. I see Tyler's turquoise 1957 convertible Bel Air sitting right outside. I run and jump in. I look at Tyler and think of how perfect she is. She's wearing a cropped sweatshirt that says nerd on it with bleached skinny jeans with black boots. Tyler is one of the most popular girls in school and she chose the girl with no friends and a scared childhood to hang out with. She looks at me for a second and then she says, " Hey! I got something for you!" I was curious and suspicious but I still said, "What is it?"
Then she pulls out two pieces of white paper that say MAGCON VIP on them. "What are they?" I asked. Then Tyler enthusiastically says, " You'll just have to wait and see!" After that she turns on the ignition and starts playing her favorite song, The Weight by Shawn Mendes. I don't know who he is but he is really good. As we head off to school we are belting out the songs as loud as we can. I love being out of the group home I feel free.

The Best Mistake (A Matt Espinosa Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora