The adventure| 9

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I wake up still wrapped in Matts arms.
I look up at his face and see the bruises that have formed. I keep staring and soon he wakes up and looks into my eyes,
"Good mornin' beautiful." He says in
a really attractive husky voice.
"Good mornin' Snory." I laugh
"I do not snore, I make pig noises."
"In your sleep? Wow you are talented!" I laugh as I start to get out of the bed.
He said while fake crying.
I laugh as I jump in the shower. I lather myself with Matts body wash and shampoo. I mean how can I not? It smells like Old Spice and heaven had a baby. Once I'm done I wrap my body and hair in a towel and walk out into the main room. I walk out and ask Matt, "Can I borrow one of your shirts so I can run back to my room and grab some clothes?"
"Yeah, help yourself." He said pointing at the suit case.
So I grabbed a Y&R shirt and put it on in the bathroom. I come out with the shirt on and my black Spanx on and run out of the room and into the elevator. When I got into the elevator Nash was just about to walk out. He looked really happy.
"Did someone get lucky?" I asked with a smirk.
Nash gets cut off from Carter saying,
"Oh yeah, me, Taylor, Cam, Jack, and Gilinsky had to sleep in the bathroom with headphones in."
I look at Nash and his face is red and he's smiling to himself. I nudge his ribs and he looks at me and chuckles.
"Ok yeah all that happened last night."
"With Ty?" I asked
"No, with Taylor." He said sarcastically.
Which made us all piss ourselves from laughing so hard. Then I spotted Gilinsky in the group of guys and he ran up to me and led me into the elevator laughing.
"Going up?" He said in a British accent.
"Oh I'm sorry kind fellow I'm actually going down." I replied in the same accent.
"What floor?" He asked
"Four" I retaliated
He pressed the button and walked over to me. He was extremely close to me.
"Summer Jay Truman, you are one of the most beautiful girl my eyes have ever seen. Your simple and fun to be around. You are THE perfect girl. And I don't want you to go off with some other douche like Justin. Summer will you got out with me?"
"Damn, why you, why now, ugh. Matt makes me super happy and I feel like the only girl in the world with him. But Jack, just looking at him I melt. But what's more important, looks or personality? But I feel like I know Jack! What if I do? What if I've known him from---oh my god, middle school."
"Jack" I said while taking his hands."Do you remember middle school, when you decided to pick a fight with Kenny Holland?"
"Yeah why?"he asked curiously
"Remember the little shy beaten up girl who told Kenny to back off and Kenny turned around and kicked her? That was me Jack, that was---
"You." He finished while looking into my eyes.
I smiled and blushed while looking at the ground.
"Then after Kenny was done 'teaching me a lesson' I ran over and helped you up and took you to the nurse. And we talked about the most random things. That was the first time I've ever seen you smile." He said with a smile.
The elevator door opened to an old couple who looked about in their seventies. We walked out and they smiled at us. As I got to my door I turned around about to say something, but couldn't because Jack smashed his lips into mine. It was a passionate kiss that made it feel like the Fourth of July was in my stomach. When he pulled away he said,
"I take that as a yes?"
"Maybe." I smirked and walked inside.
I got my clothes and started to the bathroom but the door was locked, and I heard sniffling.
"Tyler? Is that you?"
She opened the door and engulfed me into a hug. I could tell she has been crying for a really long time.
"What happened, tell me everything." I said while holding her shoulders.
She led me into the bathroom and showed me a package that said, "PREGNANCY TEST". I was in shock,
"Ty! How!" I said with my jaw to the ground.
"I don't know yet, but after last night I have been feeling horrible this morning."
I was relieved, "Girlfriend your not pregnant, this was just your first time. All you need is the morning after pill."
She sighed of relief, "How do you know? You haven't had it either."
"Health class in middle school. But I think we should take advantage of this." I say with a smirk.
"Let's pull one on Nashly. Let's make it look like your pregnant. I'll draw a plus on the thing and we'll bring it down to the breakfast hall for all the guys to see."


We got everything ready, Ty looks like a mess, I look like I could pop someone's face off, and the test was positive. We walk down there and Nash looks at us and runs to Ty but I stop him dead in his tracks.
"You ass." I state while in the background Ty starts fake crying.
"What happened?! Why-
I showed him the fake test and he flipped
All the guys just stared, shocked as Nash was on his knees on the floor crying his eyes out. I looked at Ty and we both burst out laughing. Nash looked up and was so confused. All the other guys got what we did and they all started laughing. Nash stood up quickly and licked his thumb and rubbed off the marker plus sign on it. He looked at me and started laughing and he went and hugged Ty picking her up and spinning her around. Then Blart walked in, "What the hell is going on in here?!" We all stopped laughing and looked at him.
"What is that?" he said pointing at the test.
"Its a pregnancy test." I told him.
"What? Whose the dad? It's Taylor isn't it."
"No, no it's fake." I laughed.
He glared at me and asked, "What's your name missy?"
"Summer Jay Truman, and if you got a problem with me then you gotta deal with it because I'm gonna be here for a while." I sass.
"I like you Summer, love the attitude too." He added before he walked away. Then he poked his head through the door and said, "Today's a free day, do whatever you want, just please don't get arrested."
A chorus of yays and YASSS scattered around the room. Then Matt came up to me and asked me, "You wanna have an adventure?"
"You'll see." He smiled and took my hand.


"We've been in the car for 3 hours Matt. Where are we going."
Then we pulled up and I got out of the car to a beautiful view. It was a green forest stretched across miles and miles.
Matt grabbed my hand, "Lets go."
We ran down a small hill leading into the forest. We walked and chatted about random things for a long time. Until we came upon a pond. I noticed that on a rock was my green and white striped bikini and Matts board shorts.
"You go change over there and I'll change over here." Matt said pointing to a tree. I ran over and changed but the halter around my neck came undone.
"Matt you done? I need help tying this."
He came around the corner and ran up to me.
"Can you tie this?" I asked holding the two pieces together. He hesitated, I knew he was looking at my scares. I cleared my throat and he started tying.
Once he was done I ran and jumped in. The water was surprisingly warm. Then Matt jumped in and popped his head out of the water. His hair was perfect. Then I noticed that his shirt was still on. I walked over seductively and got super close to him. I smirked and reached at the hems of his shirt while he watched my every move. I lifted it over the top of his head and he leaned in. But before he could kiss me I put my finger up and his lips touched my finger.
"You tease." He laughed
His toned stomach was hard to resist.
"Oooo lets see if you can catch me!" I said walking out of the water. Matt laughed and got in position. I jumped and landed in his strong arms. He caught me bridal style. He looked into my eyes and put me down into the water. He started to lean in close but I met him halfway. I pressed my lips into his and he kissed back passionately. He pulled away and smiled, "Gotcha there."
"But I met you half way!" I said in a playful way.
"Doesn't count."
"Uh yes it does!" I said before I tackled him.


We both got out of the water and changed. When I walked back toward the pond was Matt wasn't there.
"Matt?" I said slightly worried.
"S-Summer I think I need stitches."
"Where are you?" I asked in panic.
"Look for my hand."
"Are you dressed?"
I saw his hand stick out from behind a tree. I ran to him. When I ran around the tree all I saw was blood. Matt looked in serious pain.
"Oh my god Matt, where's the cut!"
He lifted his shirt and on his ribs there was a huge bloody cut. Then I saw the bone.
"S-s-Summer I c-can't breath." He said gasping for air.
I quickly took off my long sleeved shirt and wrapped it around his ribs. Then I called the ambulance. Ten minuets later Matt was being put on a stretcher and we were both pushed into the truck. All I had on was a tank so they gave me a blanket. I was balling my eyes out, just looking at him. Then he started compulsing.

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