Love or Hurt |13

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Need to read the authors note at the bottom!!!!! Enjoy!

My eyes peel open when I feel someone gently squeeze my hand. I turn my head and see Matt staring at his phone. Then it starts to ring,
"Jack? Where the hell are you?"
"Hey Matt I'm at the police station." He said with guilt.
"Why the hell are you there! What happened! Summer just got flown back from the L.A emergency." Matt said shocked.
"Well um I-I'm the one who accidentally hit the car that Sum was in. I'm so sorry to everyone for what I did." Jack admitted

I grabbed his hand. He looked down and a tear fell down his face. Matt looked at me and started to break down.
"Matthew I'm sorry." Jack said with a crack in his voice.
"Sir your needed in the interrogation room." A woman said.
"Uh okay." Jack said. He seemed scared.
"Matt and Summer I hate myself for what I did. I'll hopefully see you in a couple of hours." He said crying.
"Yeah sure, bye." Matt said wiping away tears.
"Hey I'm going to be fine Matt. Don't worry about me." I say wincing in pain.
"No I'm staying with you. I can't have you give up on me, cause if you give up on me then I'll give up on me too." He said stroking my bruised hand.
"Matt, help me up." I say determined.
"What?! No. Summer it's not time yet." He said surprised by my confidence.
"How long have I been out of surgery?" I ask with a determined spark.
"One day."
"Then I'll be fine, help me up."
"No Sum-
I pulled off my covers to see my right leg, gone.
"Summer I'm sorry."
I just kept looking at it. I have half of a leg.
"Th-this can't happen. No, it can't be real."
"Matthew Lee Espinosa get me the god damn wheelchair. I'm getting out of this bed. I need air." I said with a tear rolling down my cheek.
He pushed the wheelchair over to me and picked me up bridal style and plopped me in the uncomfortable chair. I winced in pain, "Hey be gentle with the property!"
He chuckled, "Oh well I'm sorry!"
He pushed me down the hall and into where the other guys are waiting.
"Oh my god, Summer Jay Truman-
Tyler started to cry.
"Uh Ty your gonna make me cry!" I said laughing.
"Summer I can't believe this happened to you, I should've been there to help you out this all wouldn't have happened."
Tears started to fall down everyone's cheeks. I looked at each and everyone one of my new amazing friends and they are all having break downs. Then I stopped at Jack J who looked terrible. He had dark circles under his red, puffy eyes. He glanced at me and a tear fell. Jack was the one that has really been affected by this. Who wouldn't be? Your new friend got in a car accident and she lost her leg. Then you find out that your best friend since kindergarten was the one who hit her and now he's in an interrogation room. It's just sad. As I looked the other way I felt someone pick me up. I looked to see the face of an angel.
"I heard what happened and even though we don't know each other I had to make sure that my fan slash soon to be friend was okay." He flashed an amazing smile and those rosy cheeks turned bright red. I laughed and looked to the floor. Then I glanced over at Matt he looked like his head was about to pop off.
He put me down and held my hand and I hopped over to Matt. Matt then held my arm.
"What's your name?" I asked the angel boy.
"Shawn, Shawn Mendes." He said in the most attractive voice I have ever heard.
"What's yours?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.
"I'm Summer." I said nodding.
Then Taylor barged in,
"WHO WANTS FOOOODDD!" He yelled while all the others were cheering.
Matt kissed my head, "Is it okay if I go?" I smiled "Go ahead weirdo."
I laughed and ran away. Then I was left with Shawn.
"Hey, uh Shawn?" I asked awkwardly
"Yeah?" He said with a smile.
"Can you roll me back to my room?"
He got up and rolled me to my room and picked me up and say me down on the bed.
"How do you feel?" He asked sitting down on the chair.
"Eh" I said making the stink face.
He laughed, "Are you and Matt, you know, together?"
"I don't know. He hasn't really asked me yet."
"Oh, I think he will though because he's a great guy."
Then Shawn started saying, "Summer wake up! Summer?"
My eyes peel open to see Jack G, Matt, Nash, Hayes, Jack J, and Taylor crowded around me in my hospital room. It was just a dream.
"Hey" I say weakly.
Jack G rushed to my side, "How do you feel?"
"Eh." I say with a grunt.
Jack smiled, "Do you wanna go outside?" He said holding out his hand.
"Well, um okay." I said.
I pulled off my covers to reveal two very bruised legs. I smiled to myself. We walked out and started down the path. I felt a little groggy but I was fine to walk. When we turned the corner I saw the angel boy, Shawn Mendes standing there with Aaron Carpenter. Shawn looked up and smiled at me. He ran and picked me up and twirled me around like in one of those cliche movie scenes. I laughed and hugged him back.
"I'm glad your okay." He smiled
"Me too." I smiled.


The Best Mistake (A Matt Espinosa Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant