Chpt 3- I Need Blood

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Kai's POV:
Sharpened fangs bared, softly piercing an unfortunate dead animal neck, draining it off its remaining blood, the thirst becoming increasingly uncontrollable, human mind blurring, I couldn't control myself... I need Blood.
Kai's POV:
Casual Hoodie Hood sheltering my entire face, hands shoved into the kangaroo pocket, hesitating to step out into the uncomfortable ray of sunlight, swallowing nervously, not much happened yesterday, especially after the whole nighttime situation, unable to remember, Lloyd is still keeping me restricted to the darkness, until the moment I can recall the previous moments of whatever occurred,yet this is such a pitiful children's game.

Staring at the monastery Main Entrance, everyone else asleep at the presence moment, I had to proceed before I'm spotted, of course, trying not to cause more suspicion. Taking a shaky breath in, stepping a foot forward, nothing happened.

Causally stepping both feet forward, balancing myself, the suns piercing gaze strangely irritating my eyes, however, I did not fully understand the origins of why this unusual fear of the sun came about, I simply kept telling myself, it was nothing than my mere imagination.

"You've gotten this far Kai, don't blur the difference between reality and fantasy". Sighing to myself, I continued forward, hoping today that nothing unnatural would occur.

Zane's POV:
Steadily stepping out into the Monastery courtyard, for a split second I'd noticed the gate open a small creak, before long, it softly closed. Lifting what a human would call a confused brow, doing a scan in the process, there heat signature were oddly lowered, what's even stranger, it registered that was Kai.

"How extraordinary, I knew Kai occasionally would awake in the morning but never at 5am, lowered temperature, unusually strange behaviour since last night occurrence, it seems we will have our answers sooner rather than later Lloyd, unfortunate as it may be". Continuing on with my household duties, a small part of me hoped nothing out of the ordinary would happen today, especially today was Kai's birthday.
Nya's POV:
Previously being informed by Zane that Kai mysteriously disappeared from the Main Entrance in the early morning, at first not caring, it's already 5pm in the afternoon, still not a single presence of Kai, did he forget today was his birthday?

Sadly lowering my head, Jay happily appeared in front of me, brightly smiling, even though I could tell deep down he too was pledged with concern. "Don't worry Nya, your brother should be home soon, everything is fine, I'm sure of it" softly smiling, maybe Jay was right... but still, a small part of me dreaded for the worst possible outcome.

Kai's POV:
Hunched over, hoodie clumsy fallen off, low growling to myself, blood softly trickling off my lips, an unfortunate dead animal laid in front of me, uncertain how this situation occurred, one minute I'm walking, trying to ease my overwhelming tension, next there's a strong, delicious smell of blood lingering in the environment, after, I'm kneeled, draining the animal of its remaining blood, biting deep into its tender neck.

Breathing rapidly, subconsciously licking the blood off my lips, the uncomfortable ray of sunlight hidden by storm clouds, allowing me to freely roam without the hoodie, why was this happening to me all of a sudden, this isn't me in control.

"I couldn't believe this just happened, what should I do now? Head back to the monastery? Try to find a solution what's happening to me- no, I prefer this new version of myself, not bound by humanely restrictions, however I will admit, the origins of this curse needs to be understood first before a fatal mistake could happen, maybe I should document each new symptom, find weakness, the sort, well I'm glad Ninjago City has a 24hr library nearby, guess I'll head over right away" ending the muttering to myself, I cautiously headed for the Ninjago library, hoping the answers I need are there, completely erasing the thought that today was my birthday.

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