Chpt 4- The Truth

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Kai's POV:
Library not being informative, I decided to head back for the monastery, clear the mind, as the soothing night air softly touched my skin, at once forgetting about that horrid night-

Pausing, a soft smile appearing on my pale white face, that's right, I had been cornered by an unusual individual, white sharpened fangs, after, darkness.

"Wait that means Lloyd will inform me of the blank points in my memory! Finally!" Excitedly rushing back home, unaware of the soon to be dreadful environment that would try to suffocate me just for merely being forgetful of what today had been.
Slowly opening the door, inching quietly for the main corridor, unable to detect anyone's presence, as I had turned the corner for my bedroom direction, a green energy ball flashed, hitting me in the abdomen, causing my body to uncontrollably be thrown backwards.

Painfully sitting on top of the fallen over Living room wall, back aching, in tremendous pain, Lloyd aggressively approached me, soon after, pulling me up by the front collar of the hoodie, his teeth bared in a snarl.

"Why are you so selfish Kai! Nya had spent all her day setting up YOUR birthday party! Where were you this whole time? And why do you reek of" he paused to sniff the scent, horrified when the realisation hit him. "Kai... whose blood is that?"

Softly sighing, noticing no one else presence, why not inform him of the truth. "You see, that is animal blood you smell my dear brother, that isn't important, I've learnt of the truth of last night occurrence" aggressively being realised by Lloyds Oni Grip, caused me to smile a little. "Go on" staring up at Lloyd, he had his arms crossed, secretly trying to not release his Oni blood in the process. "I had been lured in by a mere presence, no singing voice, however coming conscious, there was a 6ft tall cloaked male, his clothing aesthetic being Victorian Goth, however he had these unusual white but dangerously sharp fangs, that's all I could remember before passing out now it's your turn". Patiently waiting, Lloyd scoffed to himself, sat crossed legged in front of me and didn't give me eye contact once, all the while keeping distance.

"When we heard you scream unexpectedly, we ran over to your location, found you on your back, neck heavily flowing out blood, deeply scratched by an unknown enemy, a pile of ash at your feet, no traces of the attacker or weapon, strangely though, you were convulsing, thankfully Zane preformed the necessary treatment... but this doesn't make sense, how did the attacker leave so abruptly? Why leave you alive? Nothing is piecing together". Chuckling to myself, Lloyd instinctively shot an aggressive glare at me instead.

"Strange, you mentioned ash at my feet?If we were to broaden our possibilities, what type of fictional creature would turn to ash? Being humanoid that is" thinking, Lloyd coldly snapped out "I know of only one monster and that's a vampire but surely a fictional creature would not be roaming Ninjago City so freely, right? How did it come here? Where did it come from? Was it originally human? Could it be a vampirism curse-" leaning closer to Lloyd, unintentionally making him uncomfortable, strangely what he said last caused an unusual reaction.

"There we have it, a possible fictional outcome, a vampirism curse, for now we will state this situation as unnatural, listen Lloyd, tomorrow, may I request you take a trip with me to the Ninjago City Library, if that backfired, we'll ask the serpentine, would that be alright with you?" Noticing Lloyd nod with uncertainty, I couldn't blame him, however if this was a vampirism curse, surely it's not like a werewolf's curse, in which they bite a victim to turn them, not now, that's tomorrows problem.

Standing up, heading to my room without another word, strangely I could feel Lloyd's anger increasing further away I'd become, wanting to scream at me more for being forgetful that today was my birthday but I couldn't care less, sorting out this situation was the utmost of importance.

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