Chpt 6- Am I Human?

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Kai's POV:
Hands comfortably rested in my jeans pockets, sluggishly trailing behind Zane, Lloyd by my side, moonlight softly radiating our environment, heading directly for Ninjago City Library.

Pausing for a second, calmly staring up at the crescent moon, less tense now that the sun had disappeared for a few hours, unexpectedly Lloyd nudged me roughy in the ribs. "Stop daydreaming, we're nearly at our destination" scoffing to myself, focusing back to reality, ridiculous.

Stepping an inch forward, the police chief appeared, completely out of nowhere, stopping directly in front of me and Lloyd, apparently Zane had already disappeared further ahead. "Ninja, I'm sorry to interrupt wherever you're going but I'm here to inform you that there has not been a single blood draining victim since..." hearing him drift off, he wouldn't stop intensely staring at my direction.

"Problem officer?" I hissed, revealing the increasing levels of my ever growing aggression. At that the chief of police looked at Lloyd, smiled and hurriedly disappeared from our surroundings.

Locking with furiously glowing magenta Oni eyes, it seemed like I had unintentionally infuriated Lloyd. Getting my shirt collar tightly gripped, staring at him with a blank expression, not understanding what was his problem now. "What is your problem Kai!"

Scoffing quietly, my problem? "How about your problem Lloyd, you're not communicating with me so how am I supposed to understand what you want from me! How'd you liked it if everyone kept on making you uncomfortable by staring at you everywhere you went! TELL ME HALF ONI!"

Fangs bared, Lloyd's expression became dull. "I... you want honesty? We don't know what is happening to you, each day you're changing into something other than our brother, less humanity is remaining within your vessel, I'm confused alright, none of us know what happened to you, what you're plagued with or anything, first your behaviour changed now your appearance, what next? Will we have to deal with a rogue version of you? But will we be dealing with The elemental of fire or an empty host?" Not thinking of such an outcome, maybe Lloyd had truth behind those words of worry, will the next time I awake be me, the elemental of fire or an emptied vessel, which is nothing more than a puppet controlled by a mere plague.

"You're right, I understand completely-" pausing, sniffing the night breeze, a faint whiff of blood strongly consumed my senses, its source, Lloyd.

Lloyds POV:
Noticing Kai sniffing the air frantically, he stared at me directly, lifting a confused brow, the only wound I had on me was from training... wait, I had forgotten to change the bandages before we left.

Thankfully Kai walked further ahead, trying to keep a safe distance from me, at least he had some human control but how could I myself be so forgetful, no wonder his anger was through the sky, the scent of blood fuelled both his bloodlust and aggression. Shaking my head, trailing behind Kai with extreme caution, this night could change from easy going to eventful in a short timespan,in the end, it will be all my fault.

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