Chpt 5- Change

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Cole's POV:
Sleepily slumped forward, in the dining room, there was no sign of Kai, strange, did he not return home?

no, that's not it, who else could've destroyed an entire living room wall, did he get into a fight? But with who? I'm Presuming it might've been Lloyd, because he looked awfully miserable this morning, reason is, why though.

Jay's POV:
Uncomfortably shifting on the chair, Lloyd looked severely miserable, Cole was lost in thought, Zane seemed to be calculating possibilities of an unknown topic, as for Nya, she hadn't arrived in the dining room.

Kai's POV:
Towering over Nya, fangs bared in a snarl, struggling to control the bloodlust,her shouts of anger blurring, something snapped within me.

"Silence! Who cares about some mere day you were born? I appreciate the thought and effort but I have more pressing concerns to attend to right now, would you like to live with an uncontrollable thirst for blood every time you wake! THE THOUGHT OF THE SUN PIERCING YOUR FLESH EACH TIME YOU TRY TO WALK OUTSIDE! OR THE FACT YOU ARE NO LONGER A HUMAN WALKING AMONG HUMANITY! TELL ME SISTER WHAT WOULD YOU DO!" Noticing Nya eyes begin to swell, that wasn't my intention, what have I done. "Nya... I-I'm sorry, please" before continuing she ran off without hesitation, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Slumping to my knees, tears unable to form, pupils contracting, shakily glaring at my trembling pale white hands, every waking day my humanity is blurring. "Am I simply just a monster? A curse whose life means nothing? why can't they understand, I know Lloyd's still angered by the fact I simply could not control myself, being lured by the killer, Nya hates me, Cole is uncertain of me, Jay is afraid of me, Zane... now that's one I cannot understand".

Sighing harshly, unable to bring myself to stand, everyday a new symptom or even weakness appears, this is definitely not a traditional curse.

Zane's POV:
Slowly heading down the corridor, turning a corner, I'd suddenly noticed there was a kneeled figure, who was slumped forward, carefully hiding in the shadows, away from the suns ray.

Halting directly in front, kneeling to their level, upon locking eyes, piercing crimson red eyes made contact... from memory, Kai didn't have those eyes, is that still him in there?

Wanting to ask questions, I quickly noticed he had multiple altercations to his appearance, beside the piercing crimson red eyes and pale white skin, he also had; pointed ears, claws for fingernails, two elongated fangs and strangely his fringe was white in shade.

"What's the matter Zane? You haven't stopped staring at me, something wrong?" Shaking my head in response, I'd placed both hands in front of me. "My apologies Kai, lost in thought for a second, I heard you and Lloyd are going to the library later tonight, would you mind if I accompanied you two?" Watching Kai glance to his side, suddenly avoiding eye contact, his posture shifted. "Sure, whatever" at that, he got up, disappearing further into the shadows, location unknown.

Standing back up, sighing to myself, I had no need for the library, this is just an excuse to analyse Kai's progression, nothing more.

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