Chapter 5

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The day after Seungmin had met Jeongin he couldn't wait until they met again, Hyunjin and Yuri had visited him after work before they went home and he had been happy about it but he told them to go home and have some time just for them. 
After they had left he ate some food that they brought for him, while he was eating a nurse entered, "You have another visitor," she said and he looked at her and then Jeongin entered, "Can I come in?" he asked with a shy smile and Seungmin nodded. Jeongin sat down on a chair beside Seungmins' bed, "What's that?" he asked looking at the Dorayaki Seungmin was eating, "It's a dorayaki, it's a japanese snack that Yuri makes a lot since she knows I like it," Seungmin said and offered a piece to Jeongin whos eyes sparkled after tasting it. "I can ask her to bring more," Seungmin said and Jeongin blushed but nodded, "How old are you?" Jeongin asked him, "26," Seungmin said, "Oh," Jeongin said and suddenly looked small, "I'm only 20," he said and blushed again. They talked a bit more both of them feeling comfortable with each other, "Can I ask something?" Seungmin asked and Jeongin tilted his head but nodded, "How long have you been here?" the question caught Jeongin of guard and he had to check his phone, "A month soon," he said and Seungmins' eyes widened, "I-I'm sorry..." he whispered and looked ready to cry. Jeongin took Seungmins' hand, "It's okay it doesn't bother me, it's quite nice here and I'm well looked after," Jeongin said calmly and Seungmin looked at him, "Can I ask why you're here so long?" Seungmin asked and Jeongin looked at their hands. 

It was quiet for a while and Seungmin almost regreted asking the question but soon Jeongin squeezed his hand before he took a deep breath and started speaking, "I have anxiety and depression but it was managed well as I continued to live with my mother, my dad left us 3 years ago and my mother fought through the pain to care for me," Jeongin spoked and Seungmin just sat there in silence and listened. "Four weeks ago, the day I was taken here I woke up to my mother giving into the pain of my dad leaving and she jumped from out balcony... My aunt came to take care of things but she doesn't care for me and triggered a panic attack for me while I was shocked about losing my mother," he said and Seungmin felt himself get angry.
"That evening my aunt found me trying to follow my mother by taking sleeping pills so she took me here and they saved my life but she had them keep me since my mental was very unstable," Jeongin spoke very matter of factly about this. "Does anyone visit you?" Seungmin asked his heart aching for the boy, Jeongin shook his head, "I'm sorry," Seungmin whispered, "Don't be it's okay the only family member I liked was my mother," Jeongin said and shrugged. 
"Now can you also answer what happened that made you hurt yourself?" Jeongin asked and Seungmin sighed realising he should have known that this would be the case, "I was dealing with pain from a long-term relationship that ended when I found out he was cheating on me, it happened about one and a half month ago but it hit me so hard," Seungmin explained, "What an ass..." Jeongin said and gave Seungmins' hand another comforting squeeze. 

They sat in silence for a while and processed each others' stories, "Will you stay here because of how gravely you hurt yourself?" Jeongin asked and Seungmin nodded, "I have never really been this badly hurt by anything and it kind of snapped for me," he said and Jeongin looked at him, "I'm impressed you lived happily until 26," he said and Seungmin shrugged. Soon their talk was interupted by a knock and a nurse entered, she had medicine for Seungmin and she also told Jeongin to go back to his room and take his drop, "We can make sure you can meet tomorrow again but for now you both need to rest," she said and Jeongin watched as Seungmin took his medicine before leaving with the nurse. 
When Seungmin was alone he called Hyunjin, "Hey Minnie what's up?" Hyunjin asked as he answered the phone, "Can you come tomorrow after work and ask Yuri to bring an extra bag of dorayaki?" Seungmin asked, "How many are you eating?" Hyunjin asked with a laugh, "They're not for me... They're for Jeongin and I want you two to deliver them with me," Seungmin said and Hyunjin couldn't believe his ears. Seungmin explained that Jeongin had no one to visit him and Hyunjin then agreed to Seungmins' request and they hung up.

The next afternoon Jeongin came back to his room after playing some piano with Felix, he had some dinner when there was a knock on his door, "You have visitors," a nurse said and Jeongin couldn't believe his ears. As Jeongin looked he saw Seungmin in a wheelchair with Hyunjin and Yuri, "Wow," was all he said, "Can we come in?" Seungmin asked and Jeongin nodded, they came in and the nurse left, Seungmin smiled at him as Hyunjin pushed the wheelchair over to Jeongins' little table where he had his meal. "I brought some dessert for you," Yuri said and held out a small bag, Jeongin accepted and looked seeing freshly made dorayaki, "Th-thank you," he whispered shyly and glanced at Seungmin who still smiled, "And thank you for visiting me, I never thought I'd hear those words," Jeongin said and then he started to cry.
Seungmin took Jeongins' hand like Jeongin did for him yesterday, "I hope you don't mind that I told them that you've been here long without anyone who visits you," Seungmin said and Jeongin shook his head, "It's okay," he whispered through the tears. They talked for a while before Hyunjin and Yuri left but Seungmin asked to stay, "Are you okay?" Seungmin asked and Jeongin nodded a shy smile shining through the tears, "Share a dorayaki with me," Jeongin whispered and Seungmin chuckled but accepted.

They both felt like this was something special athough they couldn't quite pinpoint what it was though they did feel great affection towards each other already. Later when Seungmin was back in his room he shivered as he contemplated the situation more, "Could I really be falling in love again?" he asked himself but shook his head in denial. Jeongin was also contemplating the situation the thing that scared him though wasn't the thought of falling in love, no for him it was the fear caused by his mothers' death that if he got into a relationship Seungmin would end up leaving after a while as well. Both Seungmin and Jeongin had fell asleep that night with thoughts spinning everywhere, neither of them were sure how to deal with this situation.

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