Chapter 6

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Jeongin was playing piano with Felix again and afterwards he planned to go and visit Seungmin, "You seem a bit distracted is everything okay?" Felix asked as the younger zoned out, "Huh? I'm okay, just thinking," Jeongin admitted, Felix smiled, "I can listen if you wanna talk about it," he said and Jeongin looked at the piano keys. "I feel like I'm falling in love but I'm scared," Jeongin admitted, "Why are you scared?" Felix asked trying to get the boy to express his feelings, "Well my mom left me and I feel like they'll leave as well," Jeongin said and Felix grabbed his hands. "You never know but if you're scared you can wait with confessing your feelings until you feel safer with the thought and the person," Felix said and Jeongin nodded. They didn't get to talk more as there was a knock on the door, "Come in!" Felix called out and a nurse opened the door but it wasn't Jeongins' nurse, "Here he is," she said and Seungmin looked into the room his face lighting up as he saw Jeongin. "Oh hi Seungmin," Jeongin said smiling shyly at the older. 
Seungmin entered and Jeongin introduced him to Felix, "Do you play music Seungmin?" Felix asked, "I did play a little guitar when I was younger," Seungmin admitted, "How about you try and see if your muscles remember?" Felix asked and handed a guitar to Seungmin.
With shaky hands Seungmin grabbed the guitar and tuned it with help from Felix, Jeongin watched as Seungmin closed his eyes and let his hands feel the strings before he grabbed a chord and started to strum softly, after a few hesitant chord-changes he finally found the feeling and the memory in his muscles. 

Jeongin and Felix sat in awe as Seungmin lost himself in the music he created, something about the chord progression made Jeongin emotional and he started to cry, Seungmin heard the sobs and immediately looked up, "Are you okay?" he asked worried as he saw Jeongin cry. 
"I think he just got emotional from your playing, it was very beautiful Seungmin," Felix said and Seungmin put the guitar away and walked over to Jeongin and hugged the younger.
"Don't cry," he whispered Jeongin practically melted into him, "Maybe you two should go now, I think you both need rest," Felix said and pressed Jeongins' call button. Jeongins' nurse came into the room and told them to follow her, "It's time for both of you to take your medicines so we're going to Jeongins' room since he doesn't do pills and needs his drop," she said and Seungmin nodded. On the way to Jeongins' room they picked up the pill for Seungmin. When they arrived, the nurse connected Jeongin to the drop before she gave Seungmin his pill and some water to swallow it with. When Jeongins' medication was done she disconnected the drop before she left them alone for a moment to get food for them. "You seem close..." Seungmin said and Jeongin tilted his head in confusion, "What?" he asked, "You and Felix..." Seungmin said.

Seungmin had spent most of the day contemplating the situation more and while he was scared he was now also sure that he was indeed falling in love with Jeongin. When he saw Jeongin with Felix he got a bit jealous. "He's just there to teach me piano and that music room is a place where I can relax," Jeongin said and shrugged. Seungmin looked at his hands and was about to say something when the nurse came back with food. They ate and talked as they usually did but Jeongin couldn't help but wonder what Seungmin was going to say, when they finished their food Jeongin looked at Seungmin and noticed that the older seemed fidgety. 
"Seungmin are you okay?" he asked and the older looked at him with an expression that made Jeongin nervous, "I like you..." Seungmin said suddenly, "Like how?" Jeongin asked, Seungmin looked away for a moment, "Okay, maybe like is the wrong word... I love you..." he said and Jeongin just stared at him. "I just wanted to tell you," Seungmin said and stood up to leave but Jeongin grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and stood up too, "Don't go..." Jeongin whispered and Seungmin turned his head to glance at the younger. "I... I love you too," Jeongin said and Seungmin turned fully so he faced Jeongin again, he then proceeded to pull the younger into his chest in a tight hug, "Really?" he asked and Jeongin nodded and looked up at Seungmin, "I might be scared but yes really," Jeongin said and buried his face in Seungmins' chest.

Jeongin looked up at Seungmin again, "Wanna take a nap with me?" he asked shyly and Seungmin nodded with a smile, they laid down beside each other both still quite shy but as they drowned in each others' gazes they were drawn closer until Jeongin found himself wrapped tightly in Seungmins' arms. Seungmin laid there holding Jeongin tight as he felt the younger fall asleep, as he felt Jeongins' slow and steady breathing in his arms it didn't take long for him to fall asleep as well. The nurse knocked but there was no reply so she got alarmed and opened the door quickly but smiled at the sight of the two sleeping close together. "Gosh, I wish I didn't have to wake them up..." she sighed but walked over and lightly shook Seungmin who woke up and noticed her, "What time is it?" he asked still half asleep and blushing. "It's been a while and it's time for your next does of medicine," she said and his eyes widened, "We... We were just going to take a nap but it's been 4 hours?" he asked and she smiled, "Well I'd say more like 3 hours but yes," she said. "I'll go and get your medicine while you wake him up," she said and left, Seungmin looked at Jeongin who was still sleeping soundly even with all the talking that happened. After taking a deep breath Seungmin leaned down and pecked Jeongin on the lips but as he was about to pull away Jeongin grabbed his face and made it a full kiss, "So you were awake?" Seungmin asked and Jeongin giggled which was the most adorable sound Seungmin had ever heard, "Not that long but I heard the nurse leave," Jeongin admitted which made Seungmin chuckle.

The nurse came back and gave Seungmin his pills and connected Jeongin to the drop, "I understand that this is very new but if you want to stay together there is an option to move you to a bigger room that you can share," she said while controlling the drop. Jeongin looked at Seungmin who just smiled at him, "It you want to," Seungmin said and Jeongin nodded shyly, "I'll go and make the arrangements then," the nurse said as she disconnected Jeongins' drop.
Neither knew where this would lead but they both felt all the happiness, excitement and fear, that afternoon Hyunjin and Yuri came to visit but they didn't find them so Hyunjin called Seungmin, "Dude, where the heck are you and Jeongin? We can't find you," he asked and Seungmin heard that he was worried, "Oh Jinnie... Don't worry we're fine. We've been moved to a room where we can both stay," Seungmin said and walked to the hallway so they could see him, "Oh we can see you now, we'll be right there," Hyunjin said and hung up.
When they came to the room they smiled at the sight of the double bed where Jeongin was sitting and watching a video on his phone. "Seems like something good happened," Yuri said and smiled brightly as Seungmin nodded as he sat down beside Jeongin, "Welcome to the group then Jeongin," Hyunjin said as he sat down on a chair and Yuri sat on his lap, Jeongin smiled and leaned against Seungmins' shoulder.

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