Chapter 1 - An important Meeting

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Original version - 17 February 2024
Edited and revised version - 8 September 2024

It was the weekend. The sky was clear and the sun was shining bright, showering the earth with its warm light, nourishing the lifeforms. A gentle wind was blowing, making the flowers dance along on its way. Some might say that it is a perfect day for a picnic, some might say that it is a perfect day for a trip to the beach, but UN says that it is a perfect day for an international meeting. He knew that the nations wouldn't like to be indoors on such a lovely day, but he couldn't care less. Anyway, the meeting was organised and every single country (except a few) did show up.

It was just like a regular meeting. Nothing too much of importance for the majority of countries. Most countries had a "you called me for this?" look on their faces, and no one cared enough to hide it. They wanted UN to know that he should stop organising such useless meetings. Did UN care about what they thought? No. Afterall it's their job to attend such international meeting such as this one.

When (almost) all topics were discussed, sorted and cleared out, the countries began to get up one by one to leave. Just then, UN cleared his throat and said,

"Ehm, where do you think you are going? I have one more important thing to say."

Everyone sat back down and looked at eachother with an "is he serious?" look. It wasn't soon before one such annoyed country raised his voice.

"Are you serious right now? Isn't 10 hours, 10 FCKING HOURS, NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?? you are being unreasonable, Mr. UN."

It was Russia, of course. He was the quite type around countries, but during meetings, there were certain moments in which his voice rang and echoed through the walls. This was definitely one of those moments. And as usual, it was followed by the voice of another powerful nation.

"Oh? Is Russia impatient now? Who is waiting for you at home, your dad? Oh wait! Isn't he dead? You must be going to heaven then, or should I say hell? " And there it goes, America has made a remark and now, its over.

"Come over here and  I will make you see heaven, you son of a btch." Russia rose up from his seat and slammed his fist on the table. Britain's eyes widened with shock (with a "who's he calling a btch?" Look), along with the others. Some were even laughing silently .

"Oh, so you are going to make me see heaven?" America's reply was quick. He leaned back on his chair with his arms crossed, a smirk was plastered on his face. Russia apparently didn't get what he meant. Seeing America like this made him even more angry.

UN, who was just standing there with his mouth wide open, decided that he had to step in, before things get out of hand. It was now or never. His wings fluttered a little before returning to their original position. He jumped in front of Russia to stop him. Russia was already held back by China, who, deep inside wanted to see him rip that smile off America's face. UN has his hands stretched in both directions (like an umpire saying wide) to prevent Russia from moving forward towards America. America was sitting there, untouched, unmoved. He couldn't care less. When Russia finally calmed down, UN asked him to return to his seat, and he did unsurprisingly, good for UN. UN let out a sigh of relief. All other countries also seemed to have calmed down. After a whole minute of suffocating silence, UN spoke again,

"So, nations, this is what I wanted to talk about. We all know the relationship between The United States of America and the Russian Federation. I am sure all of us wants peace between them, afterall no one wants another world war, right? As the world's most powerful countries, I want, no, the whole world wants you both to make peace. It would be a better world that way. What do you both think?"

The whole hall was silent. All looked at eachother with confused faces. Some had "as if that's going to happen" look on their faces.

America's face had utter disbelief. He could guess what UN would say next. He would ask him to work, or even live with the one person that he despised the most in this world. America would rather stab himself with a rusty knife dipped in rat poison than work with Russia. He absolutely despised that man. He despised his father, but his grandfather was an exception. Both of them were like polar opposites, the most opposite any two people in this universe could be. He looked over at Russia, only to see his face remain unchanged. But America knew that he was probably having similar thoughts as him.
The hall was uncomfortably silent. America and Russia hated it. Atleast they both agreed on something common. That was some progress.

UN broken the silence once again, "Whatever you might be thinking might now doesn't matter. You both are going to have to live together until you both learn to make peace and stop giving the world anxiety about world war 3. This way, you both will get along and hopefully, I am right. The sooner you both get along with eachother, the sooner you will be returning to your houses. You are going to have to do it, no other choice. It's the final decision. "

America raised his voice while leaning forward, " Ugh, you made us wait to tell us this?? Now I wish that I just supported Russia a few minutes back. Where are we going to live anyway?"

UN ignored the first part and answered the last question  "You both will be living in a house in New York, which you both will be moving in tomorrow. America will obviously be fine with the weather, but Russia, be prepared. Both of you, pack your bags today, you both shall arrive at the location that I will send you. I don't want anymore remarks on this. You can call me later if necessary. The meeting is over."

Every nation got up from their seats and left. They had a lot to comprehend. They all felt like this was a dumb decision. Probably one of them is going to end up dead. Only one will return. They thought, and gossiped about it all the way to their houses and probably continued to do so on their phones. Some of them had already placed bets on who's going to make it out alive and unharmed.

For America and Russia, this felt like hell. Things cannot get any worse than this. Living with your worst enemy. That's a whole new underground level of hell. They wished that they don't wake up next morning, specifically Russia (if ykyk). But they had no choice. Despite being more powerful than the organizations, the countries still had to listen to them. Maybe this won't be as bad as they think? Maybe yes, maybe no. Who knows?

Now the two countries, America and Russia, were at there respective houses. They had to pack for the their stay at the other house. They didn't know how long they were going to stay, so they packed a lot. Both countries fell asleep that night thinking about the other... Even if it's about the other one dying, it still counts right?

End of Chapter 1

Alright, so this was a sudden Idea that came to my mind, when I was reading a book about travellers that reached India. Completely unrelated, I know. I don't know if I should include Amerus / Rusame in this, what do you guys think? Let me know!! Leave any requests or suggestions too if you'd like, please.

Anyway, bye!
(I should probably sleep. It's 1:18 am)

Edit: so I completely changed the old idea of time travelling, now it's just then living together till they fall in love. I will do the old idea later. My exams are starting next month, so, gotta be prepared...

Edit: guys so I read this again yesterday to see what I have to write for my next chapter, and I spotted a lot of mistakes and things that I don't want to be included anymore. So I edited it, again. Not a lot of things change on this chapter, mostly only added a few more words and cut out a few. I hope you guys like it!

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