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{Grandma Rosiepuff and Clay were trying to wake the others up}

RP: We gots to go! 


JD: Whyyy!

C: BEECAAUUSSSEEEEEE! Gram wants to see Baby Poppy hatch today! 

JD: Do we have to go?

RP: I mean you don't, but If you are staying, you gotta behave!

JD: Got it.

S: I'll stay at home too.

C: Poopers. 

S: Why are YOU going?

C: Because, I wanna hang out with Viva!

S: Heh-

C: Don't even start.

S: Got it.

JD: Alright, leave it to me and Spruce. We won't trash the place.

RP: Alright..

{Floyd jumped out of his bed}

F: Ooh where are we going?

RP: To King Peppy's pod.

F: Ookay! Why?

RP: We are gonna see Princess Poppy hatch! 

F: Ohh okay. So we are going to Peppa's pod for that?

RP: Peppy, and yes. There is going to be a small celebration with close friends.

F: Okay!

{Branch hopped out of his crib}

B: Poppy!

RP: Yes, Branch! Now lets go, we can't be late!

F: Hold onn! I need to get readyy!

B: Meee toooo!

RP: Alright, I'm giving you guys 5 minutes.

C: Yeah, hurry up.

JD: Chill out Clay.

C: Eeh, okay.

{After Branch and Floyd got ready}

RP: Alright, bye John, bye Spruce! 

JD: Bye Gram!

S: Byee!

{The three younger trolls waved at the two older ones}

{Grandma Rosiepuff, Clay, Floyd, and Branch climbed into the critter car}

F: Do do do

B: Bum bum bee

C: What are you guys- 

{Branch gave Clay a big frowny face}

C: nevermind.

{Branch grinned}

F: We have a present that we made for Poppy!

B: Yeua!

RP: Aww, that's so sweet!

F: Yeah! We made a bunny onesie. Branch has one too!

B: Yeua!

C: So, Branch has bunny pajamas?

F: Bunny onesie. 

C: Same thing!


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