Chapter Six

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 I met Terri at Sweets and Snacks, an intimate eatery known for its soup and sandwich lunches catering to Riverview's downtown employees and shoppers. I arrived just before the lunch crowd and found Terri settled at a two-seat table next to the floor-to-ceiling window with a street view.

"This is a surprise," Terri said as she reached out. I took her hand and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "When I talked to you Sunday, there was no hint you were taking a trip. And where's Brant?"

"I'm glad you're free today," I said, sitting across from her. "Brant is with his uncle, and I imagine the two are having an adventure."

"You must be, too. I haven't known you to take off on a whim."

"The whim was motivated by a threat," I said.

A waiter approached our table and asked our choice of beverage and if we would like to order. I chose unsweetened lemon water with cayenne pepper and split pea soup with half a BLT sandwich. Terri opted for chicken soup with handmade noodles.

"What do you mean, threat?" She asked after the waiter had departed.

"Remember, I've told you about some weird things happening since Martin's murder. Phone calls and texts are the main means, but I've also received handwritten notes. The message is consistent: give us what we want or else."

"Or else, what?"

"I think that question has been answered. Early evening Wednesday, I got a text that said, 'They're coming. Leave now.'"

"They're coming? Who are they?" Terri's voice bounced up an octave.

"That's one thing I can't get my mind around. Why use the word 'they' when I'm pretty sure only one person has been harassing me."

"And why the command to 'leave now.' Are you concerned?"

"Well, it turns out there was reason for concern. Someone followed us in an SUV and purposely hit the back of my car. I'm pretty sure he was trying to push me off the road. And there's a hole in the back window that's likely from a bullet."

Terri leaned back in her chair with eyebrows knitted and lips pursed. "This is serious. Did you report the accident?"

"No. I'm taking a low profile. I'm at the point of not trusting anyone, even my friends."

"Does that include me?" Terri asked.

Our waiter returned with our drinks and meal balanced on a round tray. She placed our meals on the table and asked if we wanted anything else. I felt like saying world peace, but that would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?

"No, Terri. We've known each other too long. You're one of five of my best friends," I held up my hand for emphasis, spreading my fingers and touching the tip of each, "and one of those five I'm not so sure about." Dry humor, for sure, but Terri got it and chuckled. "At the end of the story about the SUV, the driver lost control, flipped over the guardrail, and rolled into the trees." I paused and looked into my bowl of pea soup, shaking my head. "And I didn't stop. I should've stopped or at least called for help. What if..."

"Mia, stop it. He was trying to kill you. Your first responsibility is to your son. And besides, you didn't cause the wreck. You were right to drive away."

"Why doesn't it feel that way? I'm so confused and frightened. I thought I knew my life and the people in it, but Martin's murder has caused me to question everything. Anyone could be after me." I looked around nervously and then realized what I was doing. Embarrassed, I added, "I expect another attack anytime from anywhere. I'm even carrying a burner phone, and until this morning, my brother didn't even know where I was."

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