Entry 9

4 1 1

(Tw; Self harm, raping, abuse)

My friend told me she cuts herself since she was 4
She told me her dad raped her when she was little
That her mom has a addiction
And now im understanding why she is the way she is
There is no difference between mental and physical abuse, mental just leaves scars on the inside
I see now that family can become a lift on there shoulders
Maybe from lying or being in a bad house hold, or from being in a abusive house
I don't know
I won't lie and say I wasn't hurt before
It sucks Ik
She is so light hearted and sweet
So to that girl please listen to me
You deserve the world and not everything is your fault
I won't force you to stop but I will encourage you to
It's a process understand
I won't judge you
Or give you unwanted pity
But please trust me I have the most genuine smile on my face right now
You are so sweet and kind
You deserve so much more than what you were given but I think you will get your happy ending in the end
I love you so much
Live on forever
-your friend

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