the black brothers

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Unfortunately, I don't think they were close, especially after Sirius left (there was no unspoken bond or whatever). While it's fun to read about, it's definitely not canon and I'm sorry, but I won't hear otherwise.

Yes, Sirius probably regretted the path his brother chose but Sirius despised his family and anything that reminded him of it (yes, including Regulus). Familial relationships are complicated as fuck but you can in fact stop caring for a sibling once they've done enough (yes, im suggesting that being a pureblood supremacist is a valid reason to hate/disown your sibling, what are you gonna do about it).

The reason Regulus was so agreeable to his parents was because of Sirius bearing the brunt of the abuse...he was a loner and very malleable and he didn't care that his parents were bad people because nothing was happening to him. Regulus CHOSE to stay, sure, his parents influenced him heavily but he WANTED to be a Death Eater (he only went against Voldemort to protect Kreacher).

IT WAS NEVER SIRIUS' JOB TO SAVE HIS BROTHER!!! As a Black Brother kinnie or whatever it's called, that sort of pressure isn't fair to put on a person. Regulus was his own individual person and he made a decision to stay with his family and become a Death Eater. Sirius's only job was to protect himself and he got himself out of an unsafe situation. He did what he had to do.

Regulus is a very complex character but at the end of the day, he was still a pureblood supremacist. Characterizing him differently in fanfics is fine. We don't know much about his character so to imply he was capable of change is not far off BUT that doesn't change the fact that canonically, the only issues he had with Voldemort was the Kreacher incident and immortality like ??? He didn't care about the pureblood supremacy or the murder. Just keep that in mind, I'll go more into this another time.

Anyway, this is about Sirius and Regulus. In summary, while fanon is fun and makes us feel better - they weren't close, there was no real chance of them becoming "brothers" again even if Regulus hadn't died. Yelling at people for suggesting that your FANON info that you talk about saying "oh, this is so Sirius and Regulus" is probably not accurate is ridiculous and all in all, some of y'all care too much. Sirius and Regulus may as well be Cain and Abel. Maybe not as dramatic, but I could definitely see Regulus killing him if it came down to it. Come for me if you must, I really don't care.

Until next time, later haters, xoxo

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