The Misadventures of Nagareboshi: Chapter Fourteen

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"I miss the Kimura Family."

XChapter 14XX First Mission X

"You must be joking..."

"I am not."

His confusion is clear, even with the mask covering his face. Tobi probably thought I would be overjoyed hearing his 'great news' upon, once again, being awoken by my talking alarm clock. However, it feels more like he signed my death warrant.

"I finally get a day off and you want me to spend it with you, on a mission?" I ask in the most patronizing and unamused voice I could muster. It's hard, though, when you're still half asleep.

"Yes," he answers plainly.

I eye him for a moment. He looks serious enough, so that probably means it's not a training mission meant to annoy me. But then, that's what I'm getting from his body language. "Fine, but can I at least get another-"

"We leave in twenty minutes."

With that parting note, he vanishes from my room. A low growl leaves my throat, but I remind myself that, no, I can't kill him. If I kill him, all the time I spent thinking up a plan would go to waste.

Not...not that I've even gotten anywhere with the planning, yet, I remind myself as I roll out of bed and land on my feet. All I know is that I need to visit the Kirmuas first. After that, it's all fair game.

Twenty-five minutes later and here I am, standing in front of the main door. Alone. That annoying masked man has yet to make his appearance, despite always being the one to lecture me whenever I'm late to our practice sessions. I'm starting to wonder if all bad guys are hypocritical jerks trying to screw with my head.

As I'm thinking that, there is a loud crash from upstairs, followed by feet pounding on the stairwell. Tobi appears at the bottom, barreling towards me at breakneck speed; Deidara hot on his heels. Neither of them even so down as they pass me. Tobi hits the door, somehow getting it open without slowing down even a little. Deidara catches the door before it closes, disappearing in pursuit of my master.

For a moment, I just stand there, trying to process the craziness. I mean, what am I supposed to do in this situation? Chase after them? There are things I can just never adjust to, and Tobi's idiotic attempt to annoy Deidara is one of them.

"Tobi said to meet him on the north road. He will catch up," two separate voices say from behind me, causing me to jump upward and sideways, putting distance between me and the speaker. Zetsu is yet another example of things that cannot be adjusted to.

While his spy abilities are uncanny, he's like a giant cat. He might not show it, but both sides of his clearly enjoy sneaking up on people, or they wouldn't go out of their way to mess with everyone, namely Hidan and Deidara...Now that I think about it, everyone seems to enjoy picking on Deidara, the poor guy. Out of everyone, Tobi, Pein, and Konan are the only ones unsurprised by Zetsu's attempts, not that he really tries to scare those three. I think he knows better than that.

"Thank you, Zetsu-san," I respond, immediately reaching for the door, not want to stick around any longer than I have to if I'm alone in a room with Zetsu. While Tobi deserves to be kept waiting for that stunt of his, I'd really rather not do something stupid that will end with me getting eaten. Like Tobi, I know very little about Zetsu, other than he eats people, or so I've heard from countless fanfictions.

However, his hand captures mine before I can finish turning the handle. "Hitsumi-san, we..." his dark sides starts before trailing off. He clearly has something he wants to say, so why did he stop himself? After a moment, his look of internal distress changes to a serious expression and his white side continues, "don't try to run away."

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