The Misadventures of Nagareboshi: Chapter Five

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“We will return tomorrow.”

XChapter 5XX The Game X

The questions float about, haunting me throughout the night.

They want to play another game?

Why? They could easily just kidnap me to save time.

Maybe by beating them, I insulted their pride?

But it hardly seems like they’d care about that. Are they bored?

And finally, the question that concerns me the most. What game should we play today?

By the time morning comes around, I have had little sleep and my mind is tired, but as clear as the weather. Though, with that being said, I can see the clouds slowly rolling in from the mountains when I look out my window. No doubt there will be rain later today. This certainly does not appear to bode well for my future.

“Nagareboshi? Are you awake?” Mori asks quietly through the door after a soft knock. I ditch the bed, only to freeze up as the cold morning air meets my bare skin. It was a terrible idea to wear shorts and a t-shirt to bed last night…

Stiffly, I open the door. “Morning, Mori-san. What can I do for you?”

“Ayame and I are taking the girls out for a late breakfast at Rayne’s pancake house. Do you want to join us?”

I hesitate for a second, tempted to agree. But the memories of yesterday resurface and I shake my head. “I’m not very hungry and I will probably just eat something here. Thank you for the offer, though.”

Mori nods before walking down the hall towards the front door, where I can see that the Twins are gathered, bouncing up and down in excitement. I retreat back to my room and disappear under my sheets, thinking of a game plan for today. The front door shuts, and it is only a matter of time before Sasori and Deidara appear.

Sure enough, there is a knock on my window not even ten minutes after the Kimura family leaves. I peek out from under my blankets in time to see Deidara sliding open my window. The two Akatsuki members file into my room. One eyebrow cocked, Deidara stares in amusement. But it is Sasori who speaks.

“What game have you chosen?”

After a few seconds of mental searching, I climb out of my bed, holding back my shivering as the frigid wind from outside mixes with my already cold bedroom air. I quickly close the window before turning back to them, an idea already forming. “Do you have a coin or a small flat object that I can borrow for this game?”

Sasori looks to his partner. Deidara pulls out a coin from a small bag, though I cannot tell how much the coin would be worth. It is relatively the same size as a quarter.

“I call it the Tricky Coin game, though I am sure there are millions of names for it. I am going to give you a quick demonstration of how to play.” I state, holding up the coin for them to see. Then I flip the coin up and grab at it with both hands, with my right being the one to catch it. I secretly flip it to my other hand, but I know they caught the slight movement. “Now, which hand is it in?”

Sasori points at my left hand and I nod, opening my palm to show off the shiny coin. “It is easy enough. I promise I shall not use any type of jutsu. If you cannot guess where the coin is on your first try and I win, neither of you can challenge me to another game for a full year, nor can you maim, kidnap, kill, or use any jutsu that would cause me to go along with you against my will between now and then. What do you want if you win?”

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