The Misadventures of Nagareboshi: Chapter Eight

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There are honestly many people I want to think for encouraging me, but sadly there is only one dedication. So, for now, I'll just dedicate it to those I haven't already. Thank you, guys~ You're so awesome :D


“Work for the Akatsuki.”

XChapter 8XX Question of Purpose X

Despite having spent the last hour in my room, I was unable to find the peace of mind necessary to fall asleep. On the couch, my exhaustion had been great, but by the time I reached my temporary bed, I was semi-awake and my thoughts were happy to keep me busy. When someone came by with the announcement that dinner was ready, I had given up on sleep.

I trudge unhappily downstairs, following a blurry figure into what I would guess is the dining room. Unlike the rest of the base, this table looks like it was actually made of wood. Dark wood, though, so the color scheme does not really change much. Still, I will take what I can get and be happy about it.

Instead of sitting down, I linger by the door and wait for the seats to fill up. It appears that everyone has a designated seat and I would rather not take someone else’s chair by accident. Noticing my dilemma, Tobi points to the seat on his right, between him and Kakuzu. “Nage-chan can sit here!”

After a quick glance around the table to see if anyone objects, I sit down, though I remain on the edge of the chair in case. However, my worries disappear when everyone has taken a seat, except Pein and Konan, who have yet to be seen. Though, the strange thing is…there are three other open seats and only two missing people. Maybe it is normal to have open seats?

That thought is quickly disproved when an unfamiliar woman enters the room. No one seems surprised when she enters, nor do they really seem to care. In fact, they pretty much ignore her. She sits almost directly across from me, between Zetsu and Sasori. I will admit, this seating arrangement is very strange.

The young woman yawns, covering her mouth with her perfectly manicured nails. Something about her screams Ice Queen. However, it seems more like a literal title. Each time she exhales, it is like the temperature drops slightly.

Her eyes are the same color as her pale blue nails, and even her skin is near white. Her black hair and blank expression complete the image. She reminds me of the Yokai, Yuki-onna.

However, my calm and collected image of her quickly changes when her eyes meet mine. For a moment, there is no reaction and then she is suddenly jumping out of her chair. “Wha-How? Where did you come from?”

I am too startled by her reaction to say anything and simply stare. It is Itachi, who is sitting on the other side of Tobi, who speaks up. “If you had been paying attention, you would have noticed that she was here the entire time,” he answers with a sigh.

The stranger tries to find words and stutters for a moment, turning red in the face. “I-It’s not that I wasn’t paying attention; she just has no presence!”

Everyone takes this moment to look at me as I stare down at the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I see many Akatsuki members nodding silently. I cannot help myself from laughing a little, my shoulders shaking in an effort to remain quiet. I have to admit, I did not expect this to happen and I find the strangeness of it to be amusing. But then, I never actually expected to be in the Akatsuki base in the first place.

That little reminder is enough to sober my thoughts and I sit up straighter. While I will admit this is a very strange situation, I find that I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. I mean, I would much rather be back with the Kimura family, but the situation is a lot brighter than I expected it to be when I lost that game last night.

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