The Misadventures of Nagareboshi: Chapter Three

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“Fe-My name is Nagareboshi Hitsumi.”

XChapter 3XX Fairy Tail X

The trip to the Shimogakure had been a long and hard one. And upon arriving, I was greeted by one of the nicest families I had ever met. But almost immediately after I arrived, Ojii-san disappeared to go on another one of his adventures, leaving me behind. Before he left, though, he made me promise to protect his family.

They are all non-shinobi, but many generations back, the Kimura family was the strongest family in the village. They held the most influence and had very powerful Ninjutsu techniques. Until the Second Great Shinobi war when most of the family had been killed off during all the fighting, leaving the lucky few who were unable to use chakra, and thus, unable to fight. The family lives on, but only a rare few have been able to actually control enough chakra to become shinobi, but they died a long time ago from old age.

However, it was determined upon my arrival that I have the capacity to be a great shinobi by Ojii-san’s son, Mori Kimura, who has the ability to see chakra potential and current ability levels. He says that my chakra paths are already open, which I find strange since I did not come from this dimension.

That is another thing I figured out in the last two months. For reasons unknown, I have been unable to return to my home. And after some research on Ninjutsu and conferring with some of the village elders – while keeping my real origin secret – I quickly came to the conclusion that I did not enter the anime, like I originally thought. Instead I entered a dimension with the same concept and events as Naruto. It is strange, and if I think too hard about it, my head hurts, so I have just given up on figuring out how this actually happened.

While figuring out what happened was my main focus, the fact that Ojii-san asked me to watch over his family was enough to encourage me to test out my potential. Sadly, no one in the village was willing to teach a complete stranger how to fight nor did they have the time to teach someone with no former training, but they did allow me to use the libraries and borrow any scrolls that I desired.

After a month of learning the basics from the scrolls and books, the daimyo saw my determination and allowed me down to the lower levels of the library, where I have been holed up for the last week. I am not allowed to take anything out of the lower levels in case it is stolen, but I am allowed access to any scroll I want.

Truthfully, the daimyo said it was foolish to show them to me, someone he barely knows, but he also said that since the Kimura family vouched for me and have all but adopted me over the past two months, he has no qualms with letting an outsider read the forbidden knowledge that originally belonged to the Kimura family.

Even without a teacher, I have found it relatively easy to master the techniques explained in the scrolls. However, like I mentioned, they are forbidden techniques and I have been asked to only use them when truly necessary. But otherwise, I am free to practice them as much as I want.

“Nage-chan?” The familiar voice of Mori’s wife, Ayame, echoes through the empty lower level of the library. I set down the old scroll, already having memorized the contents that discuss the complicated process of Frost Clones. Apparently, they are different from the other clone types in that they take solid form, but shatter like glass when touched with any kind of chakra. They can do no damage, but are great distractions and best used for trickery.

“What do you need?” I ask as I step into the main isle so I am in view of Ayame. The petite blond woman smiles when she catches sight of me. And when I look down, I realize why. Dust covers every inch of my body, as if I was caught in the middle of a small dust devil.

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